Can the ironic/real Opie lovers please justify stealing Patti's wig.

1  2018-10-06 by PowerfulSir

Or are you man enough to admit that if Anthony or Jim did the same thing, you'd want their heads on a stick?


is that still on youtube? If yes I'll answer you seriously.

The destroyer providing multi-level radio right here, not only laughs & compelling radio, but a perfect sociological experiment:

Could you have been a Nazi?

If you were the producer on a syndicated radio show, would you have removed the wig? I contest you would. have.

They all did terrible things to her. Opie's terrible thing was the least rapey. Again. #HighRoadHughes

rape is a social construct

He thought it had lice! Bruthaman was trying to help her not have a itchy scalp, ya dig?

It was company property.

Opie shares the Buddhist belief that attachment to hair is predicted on vanity and material attachment. Enlightenment requires that such worldly baubles be discarded. That goofy bitch didn't even say thanks. No wonder she can't catch any d.

You have some serious agenda against him, why dont you just come out and tell us who you are?

No I don't. I have an agenda against people who can't think for themselves and just hate and like whoever the rest of the sub hate and like at the time.

You sound like you’re 12. Why do you even give a fuck you massive faggot

how come everyone here is allowed to make fun of everyone affiliated with O&A and nobody asks "lol y do u care?"

but as soon as I call you a faggot. "OMG DUDE WHY DO U GIVE A FUCK?"

Faggot. Hypocritical faggot.

What the fuck are you even talking about. I’ve never seen such an indignant moron. Why are you here if it just makes you this miserable. Every one of your posts are just serious annoyances. We don’t care. That’s the point. It’s just funny. You’re on some boring crusade, writing posts to try and tell people off because it annoys you that I’d be happily hypocritical at whatever moment is convenient to shit on somebody. You don’t get it. You’re an unfunny bore, and that’s your crime. I don’t care who you call faggot. On here it’s overused and an indication of people like you, who craft your badass posts to background music. Just open your wrists in a warm bath and at least save the REST of us from your tiresome blabbering.

yea its funny. #teambrotherman, fucking kneeslapper. ew

Not what I was referring to, salad brains.

i didnt bother reading, i assumed it was brotherman ballwashing

I hope thats how you take your medication

it is

When did I even imply it makes me miserable? Link to any evidence that I dont enjoy this sub. Youre confusing me for another user, and I dont care that it was a mistake.

Different time, different man. All is forgiven now.

Another classic Brothaman moment mothahucka. Much like Hulk Hogan, he did it for us

Who even gives a fuck?

Theater of the mind. Never happened in reality, it was just a radio bit.

Leave. It. Alone. Leaveitalone.

Anything shitty that Opie did on the show was justifiable for that very reason: it was for the show. Yes, he caused Patti some distress, but he brought joy & laughter to so many thousands of people who enjoyed the shock/cringe value of it. Every indication is that his “this is Gregg Hughes, the actor who plays Opie” bit was grounded in reality and that in his ordinary life he is a fine & decent fellow.

yea backstabbing bobby and vos was fa da show, so was killing a dog and harassing the mentally disabled on his pop up show. when the day of the rope comes, the opie ballwashers will be the first to be hung.

I know you’re hurting because the sub moved on without you. It’s not fair that you got left behind, but such is life. As a wise man once said, “Not all baby turtles make it to the ocean.”

nice deflection. lul the sub is already moving away from the unfunny irony, its almost over champ. it was cute while it lasted, but no one except the most humorless dullards can ballwash a backstabbing, phony, and painfully unfunny individual like tits for that long.

That really stings coming from a barrel of laughs like yourself. I suppose angrily bitching about how a guy ruined a radio show that hasn’t been around for four years is still the height of comedy for you, but some of us want a little more from here than, “Opie wasn’t funny and has tits, right guys?” & “Hey, remember when Opie said that thing that time? I bet that didn’t really happen!” Now, go watch the Chip podacast and laugh & laugh as the worm and the pedophile make passive digs the man they owe all their success to.

"some of us want a little more from here". yea instead of humor lets go with posts like #teambrotherman with the comments teeming with gems like "the fawkin captain steered the ship!". my point is simply that the PAINFULLY unfunny ballwashing is just that, painfully unfunny.

another thing, im not shitting on opie just because he ruined the show for 10+ years (even though he did), im shitting on him because he backstabbed vos and bobby, told his wife not to talk to bonnie like a little fucking faggot even though the two were friends, kicked and murdered a dog, harrases disabled people, and still to this day says "howard was fawkin jealous, thats why sirius kicked me out". no im sure it wasnt the fact that you filmed an orca taking a shit you delusional phony faggot.

listen nigger, i wouldnt be caught dead watching that prop show with that worm and pedophile. and to your "success" point, you know this as well as i do that without tits hitting the jackpot with ant and jim hed be doing morning zoo WITH WEASE BROTHER making 10 cents an hour. i really hope youre not completely delusional enough like the faggot that youre ballwashing to not see that.

Nigger... faggot... wow, man, you’re edgy. Don’t think I can go up against you anymore. Nice of you to white knight for Vos and Bobby though. I’m sure that elderly crackhead and tubby homosexual really appreciate it. Seriously though, most of the reasons you gave are things you couldn’t possibly know to be true except that you heard one side that fits your narrative and decided to take it as fact. Unlike you, apparently, I could give a shit if people love or hate Opie. If you’re this upset that people don’t share your hatred of a semiretired radio host, maybe you should take a look at yourself. Opie’s not the problem in the end.

It's probably one of the most despicable bits that has been on radio. But it was damn funny aswell. I was laughing so hard i had to pull over but there weren't any spaces to do that on the freeway, because everyone had already done the same.


What followed taking the wig and the Wigfather-saga is among the funniest shit O&A ever did.

It was just a bit. You're taking it personal. That's on you brotherman

I never took it personally, and as stated, I liked the "bit".

or smashing the toothpick guys art

yea backstabbing bobby and vos was fa da show, so was killing a dog and harassing the mentally disabled on his pop up show. when the day of the rope comes, the opie ballwashers will be the first to be hung.