REMINDER: Elsewhere in the world, there exists a respectable, successful, good looking, non-whore hiring, opinionated Jim Norton

1  2018-10-06 by lifeobenreilly


Suggestion: we only post this Jim Norton from now on to drown out results of the ugly one. We're the only ones who talk about that slug.

I'm in. In fact, I think this should become the only Jim Norton we talk about to help restore some positivity to the sub.

I mean, look at him. He's a man's man. He's no sssccccuuuummmbbbbaaaggg.

He was a great Bolkonskiy, I'll give him that.

It must drive him fucking nuts. What a fucking hunk this guy is. I hope Jimmy has met with some woman he mistakenly thought he was this guy.

Somewhere in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland there’s an Anthony Cumia who is responsible, held in high esteem by everyone he meets, is sober, is attracted to adult women, has a lovely family, and didn’t hasten his mother’s death through neglect.

And somewhere in the recesses of Mexico, Samuel Roberto runs his family farm prosperously, laughs with a deep hearty baritone, grew up big without HGH, eats the food fromthe land with no breading and has never been to a lucha libre show.

I'm in. In fact, I think this should become the only Jim Norton we talk about to help restore some positivity to the sub.

I mean, look at him. He's a man's man. He's no sssccccuuuummmbbbbaaaggg.