Opie acknowledging r/opieandanthony again.

1  2018-10-06 by cbanks420lol


I told him #OpieArmy was an r/opieandanthony invention. The virus is spreading.

Nice white lie, brothaman

Your name is unsettling.

Fuck yeah #opiearmy #hewillriseagain

i wish he was

Funnier than anything that fat tittied idiot has said.

Our guy gets it

Retard Opie talking politics.

I want nothing more than a nice civil AMA with Gregg Hughes on this subreddit.

I do as well. I really want an indepth look at things from his point of view. I sadly think he will always gloss over things because he still seems to have some sense of loyalty to the brand.

But I really want to know things like when he thought the alcoholism with Ant started to get bad. And things like what was going on behind closed doors. There are things he knows that Ant and Jim never had a clue about.

It's interesting how over the years the show hated Opie. Opie was the only guy who tried to start a family and live a decent life, it's no wonder that a bunch of degenerates hated that.

It was inevitable, he's been doing radio for a long time you know.

lol I like this "we love Opie now" trend this must be hurting Ant deep inside

Especially since he doesn't have a Public Twitter account to use

This might sound weird cbanks but if I had to choose to reveal the face of any sub member, it would be you.

Same. We need to know the genius.

I prefer to think of him as a Carlton Banks crossed with Jesus

Yeah, it would be nice to see who we've been jerkin' it to.

The imagine in my mind is "Ronan Farrow + grease fire".

“Hot Damn I’m shitting gold thee days”

Opie haven't felt this comfortable in many years. Gotta feel good

He read my feed nana on his ig livestream yesterday and last week when I asked him how many tokens his podcast cost he said he doesnt need to charge for his podcast cause he invested his money wisely

I forgot how much richer Opie is than Jim.