Im pretty sure sam only dated black girls before jess

1  2018-10-06 by juanwayne

I wonder why


Because he’s african albino. Only way to explain it

Actually in Africa they kill the albinos because they think they are demons or some stupid shit like that.

I’m good with that excuse

I'm sure it was one girl. He was really goofy looking.

Black girls go crazy for 5 foot nothing dorks with phimosis on their thumb dicks. He was just their type.

Opie was the one who fucked a black girl. A very credible story.

Sams girl in high school was a Narcoleptic mentally deficient Moolie.

That means Sam has never been with a white girl

From what I remember she was just using him for money.

Has he ever mentioned it other than that one time? Which sounded very vague