What's the happs

1  2018-10-06 by Grenville003


Nyeheheheheh so you don't wanna be eaten by a rancor???

No, I don't...

Uncanny similarity

As a kid I always thought this alien was speaking spanish.

Whatchu mean????!!!!

When they start in on their cutesy "none to pleased" bullshit it's so fucking cringe. Or Norton's fake outrage at whatever pointless topic. But the worst, by far, is Norton's Trump defending. I don't care about politics or who wins or loses. I could care less about it all, so just understand, it's the aspect of knowing Jim supports him because he's been on the show, they knew his son, etc... so in Jim's mind he's being loyal and someday it might pay off... like when he used to be quiet when Opie would bash Howard. He's a fucking snake. His arguments for Trump are fucking inane and again, I don't care if you love or hate Trump, Jimmy is the worst advocate for anything or anyone. REMINDER: Jim thought self heating canned soup and Sam Roberts were winning ideas.

That's the first jew in Star Wars.