Norton talks about rubbing his dick on some woman's leg without her knowing. [1:22:14] "We don't want to believe we've been so wrong about a person."

1  2018-10-05 by RapistWithHIV


sigh This is a tough one man...

The fucking gall of this man! He judged Louis for his misconduct when he was out there doing things SUBSTANTIALLY worse. Yuck. Horrible worm.

nortons a faggot but ugh opies fuckin shockjock brotherman surfer voice. i think that phony went through like 15 voice changes throughout his radio career.

Opie rocks!

hes horrendous

There’s sincerely needs to be a full fledged genocide against these ‘Opie rocks’ spineless faggot pukes. #FistsFeetPipesKnivesGunsWhateverItTakes

Opie's cool!

Nice hashtag stupid

Nice punctuation failure, stupid. It's only been written one million times, stupid.

id be all for a mass lynching

Ahhh, lynchin' like the good ol' days. Whatever it takes, brother. As long as the 'Opie Rocks' necks are snappin' it's an A+ event.

be patient brother..the day of the rope is approaching

Ugh yea this is actually a worse charge than groping. Like the one notch below actual forced penetration.

Personally, i dont believe any of jims stories. I dont believe hes sober. He acts like hes on drugs.

Someone send a mail to XM!

how do we do something with this

is now the time, since jim just got resigned?

"We don't want to believe we've been so wrong about a person."


Opie rocks!