REMINDER: Anthony lost his virginity to a 19 year old “girl” named “Buzz”.

1  2018-10-05 by CuntyDracula


bumbling fool

Plot twist ‘buzz’ was joe in a wig

Buzz, your pock faced girlfriend.. Woof.

👏 👏 Well done!

How has the detective work of this sub not brought us more information on this cum dumpster child rapist?

(By which I mean Buzz)

considering she'd be like 65 she probably died of aids

That definitely needs to be a priority. That and who "Richard" really was.


To infinite, and beyond.

Buzz real name was Richard.

"I wouldn't let you sleep in my room unless you were slurping on my ass!"

I have a theory, or more of a known fact confirmed by multiple sources, that Richard and Buzz actually switched places in Anthony's twisted gay mind. Buzz was a similar aged neighborhood teen girl who Ant played with and the girl developed a crush on him (very common that girl mistakes queer boy's platonic friendship as romance). And Richard was a 19 year old hispanic homosexual who ravaged young Anthony, completely willingly of course.

This explains everything really. The obsession with pre-teen girls. The secret gay adventures.

Wasn't Ant like 35 when that movie came out? Maybe 30

Fair point...a picture of a 19 year old Buzz Aldrin would’ve made more sense for Ant’s advanced age.