u/braunheiser This time dont delete this post people need to know what u r doing....

1  2018-10-05 by Sara-Lynn

Truth from the Tefftnostate (Tefft Pattern's Discord Server) will be unbanned and let back in next month......Not many people in that server know shes coming back.....Thanks to me now everyone knows.....I think if u dox ur banned for life but i guess not…...Interesting i think for the others who did dox and really are banned for life.......COMMENT ANYONE?????? i think some people may be scared Truth may dox again so not sure about that idea especially for the safety of others in that server........u/braunheiser care to comment on this situation and clarify what happens in ur server if u dox doesn't it say ur banned for life and there is no coming back.…..i think some people may be confused.......Also u/sams_seed would you ever care to join i think that girl Truth would love u....


A distinct lack of emojis yet still too many periods. Who hacked your account?

someone deleted my last post so yeah this is my alt....i know i need more emoji's

They should delete your account instead

hahaha yeah i guess then people wont c my fun emojis or cute cat pics..how sad...💕💄👑👗💋👧🏼

it was deleted because nobody cares and its not relevant. leave it to a woman to babble way too much about something that doesn't matter

yeah it dose matter how she is treated vs everyone else its very wrong and im calling this shit out so everyone knows......u/braunheiser care to comment on any of this?????

Someone force-feed this lady her meds.


This post sucks

Yeah i think it does too...not many people on reddit care much about a discord server but people still need to know what is going on......so i think i'll let everyone know.....

Nobody needs to know. At all.