Wow. Ronnie B makes Ricky Gervais go over new ground

1  2018-10-05 by Dennyislife


Ron shares the same relationship with his twitter account that Joe has with his children.

"Oi don't caire if yoo're offendid, roight? Cos afeism..."

This is the cunt who gets offended by everything on Twitter.

What a repetitive fuck Ricky is..

Next week Nick Dipaolo will be on to discuss the left.

'ate Jesus 'ate the boybo 'ate anyone else 'oo ain't an afeeist 'ate huntahs 'ate drumpf 'ate peepo 'oo get offended 'ate Slough 'ate anyone 'oo ain't a psuedo intellectual simple as

Oim frum Reddin, mate

He hates that trophy hunters do more for conservation than his whiny tweets.

Twitter is like reading every toilet wall in the world!

You can have your own opinions but you can't have your own facts

People confuse the target of the joke with the subject

DoyouknowwhatImean? DoyouknowwhatImean? DoyouknowwhatImean?

Just because you're offended it doesn't mean you're right

I feel like a proper stand now

There's no difference between fame and infamy now.

(mentions the creation of the Office while carefully avoiding any mention of Stephen Merchant)

Or Karl Pilkington who has a sitcom that is funnier than any of Gervais post extras work.

"Hi, I'm Ricky Gervais. I said a few things that, OFFENNNDED some people."

Hopefully they discuss the craft of comedy. What makes a joke good? I just can't wrap my head around it!

I wish more comedians would talk about everyone's so offended nowadays.

see you got ya god, yea? but oim ova here and i say, wheres the god yea? i dont see him mate AHUAHUAHU

Ron Bennington is an unfunny fat liberal faggot, just like all of his fans in this subreddit.

Next week Nick Dipaolo will be on to discuss the left.