See You Gay Cowboy: A racist tribute to Joe Cumia.

1  2018-10-05 by BeigeFrequency


Has joe ever tried to explain why he is subscribed to this wonderful establishment?

It's so he can have sex with other gay cowboys.


Probably looking for a cowboy that reminds him of his dad. He still desires lessons in proper showering ;)

Great video thank you for your service

Does anyone else get the feeling he just does this shit to impress Ant?

Looks like Joe Cumia Sr. wasn't the only one getting that cowboy dick.

This Big Apple Ranch shit makes a lot of sense when you think about his father and his whole cowboy thing and showering with them.

The Google reviews for Big Apple Ranch are wonderful

This sub never ceases to amaze.

wow someone posted a comment, that anyone can do, that's fucking amazing lol this sub is totally the show now lmfao pat yourself on the back! !

You don't have to be so mean.

Hi Ant

This video alone is funnier than anything you've put out in a long time, Ant. Nevermind your ranting about race for the 1000th time was hilarious, what am I thinking?

Wait. Joe Cumia is GAY?!

He doxxed himself, and showed his Email account which had a read Email about membership to a gay cowboy themed club. Since then, he has had his Twitter on private and never addressed it.

Yes. However, he is not a pedophile and can in fact enter into legally-binding contracts, his documented racism notwithstanding.

Pearl harbor, 9/11, A black woman punching Anthony.

I was demeaning and photographing with a telescopic lens a woman who has to sell her body on the street at 4am and she got upset. That proves that all blacks are mindless violent savages.

Can you imagine how many times Joe must have jerked off to Brokeback Mountain?

anyway I can retweet this around please?

The Real Fag Blues

Bang. (me in the ass)

Rain (cum on Joe Cumia)

I don't feel a thing (in my ass), and I stopped re-mem-ber-ing (if you have AIDS)....

Walk . . . In the (monster) rain . . .

Holy fuck that made me spit my drink out....

Damn this shit is gay. Great job.

It's almost like he's re-directing his self-loathing at being a secret cum burper towards a group of people who don't directly affect him in any way.

All those poor cowboys were put in a pine box because of AIDS 2 decades ago. Thoughts and prayers.

This song is dope

You see those dudes' moves? I bet they are swimming in pussy

That's just a good song

I was dancin, Tony. Dancin.

As a hater of Joe Cumia and a lover of Cowboy Bebop, I approve of this.

You're gonna carry that weight (in your ass)...

Real fag blues

This isnt a great song to have stuck in your head, but here we are

There's nothing wrong with being racist, don't try and lump that into gay shit.

Fey Lightning or Sue Valentine...

"I hope the mother of my child gets anally raped by a silverback gorilla." - Joe Cumia

You've gotta be at the top of Brother Joe's shit list right now. Keep your head on a swivel.