1  2018-10-05 by deadchannel1


Her presence is so demeaning to the cause she pretends to support.

What cause is that? The most privileged and pampered group in human history pretending they're an oppressed minority? I'd say she's their ideal posterpig.

There isn't a society that is completely enlightened in how it handles sexual abuse. That's a problem worth addressing. Those bitches aren't doing it well, though.

And aside from being a big fat phony, a documented predator like Amy Schumer should steer away from an issue like that for her own good.

Faggo chaphouse detected

Faggo chaphouse detected

It's all about podcasts.

Don’t pretend you don’t get all your information from a podcast aswell.

Bunch of faggy Hunter Thompson wanna bes are soy incarnate. So edgy man, radical centrism. Literally drown yourselves in your wife's boyfriend's cum.

Did you just compare a bunch of NYC rich kids recording their trite weed smoking session conversations to Hunter S. Thompson?

No, i said they attempt a pale imitation of him.. go ahead and work on that reading comprehension bud.

It seems hypocritical to only start 'outing' sexual abusers once they are becoming famous/well known for one reason or another. I'm sure he got drunk and handsy but im also sure more than a few dozen of his classmates did too, but they aren't in consideration for a high profile position so I guess that assault isn't as bad, or something.

Apparently if you and your victim are going to stay middle class and unknown sexual assault is a-okay, have at it. These righteous protestors don't have time for you and your 50 followers.

And I think we all REALLY need to recognize that there is a big difference between getting drunk and handsy as a 15 year old in 1983, as opposed to doing so more recently as an adult.

These people are criminalizing adolescence. Nobody is 100% as a teenager. Your brain isn't even done cooking yet, for fucks sake. There is not one person on this planet who hasn't had a drunken awkward sexual encounter as a teenager that they wish never happened. It's just part of growing up; that's how you figure shit out.

Modern feminism really is just a war against mother nature. Women are mad they got what they think is the short end of the biological stick (even though they really didn't). And they're raging against everything in the world that reminds them that women are different from men, no matter how absurd.

He is said to have put his hand on her mouth and tried to force himself onto her. His friend turned up the music in the room to drown out the sounds of her struggle.

If that behaviour is in accordance with Mother Nature, then Mother Nature is a cunt.

It's about fooling normal people into believing it's okay to bring up vague bullshit stories from your youth to ruin your career, only because he's a political enemy of them. It's about setting a predecent where they can basically rule society by ousting every dangerous political opponent over bullshit that shouldn't be even up for discussion neither be tested in court.


Meanwhile these fuckers keep qiuet about the thousands of women that get raped every year by third world immigrants. Fuck these people.

Coming right up ma'am

She looks like John Candy at the end of The Great Outdoors

She looks like John Candy does right now.

She is John Candy. Someone get on this

No no she just really loves to eat candy.

I wish

I was thinking Stripes, but Great Outdoors is better.

She was always a pig, but damn she's packing on the lbs now.

Well she married a chef and has horrible genetics

She's also an alcoholic. Lot of empty calories in her daily vat of white wine.

Chris Farley's last photograph was more flattering.

Q: what happens when you have too many jews in your country?

A: they get very kikey and try to ruin everything woth their stench of heebey Marxism

What a fucking disgusting ogre.


This is mah swamp(ass)

What's Ms. Piggy up to now?

Christ, what a mess

Has she no shame?

She looks unshowered.

I bet her husband avoids her sexual advances in an Al Bundy-esque manner

I'd set up Clive Bundy-level defenses if she moved on me

These bitches need to get arrested for real not this stupid protester catch and release. I demand she gets tuned up a bit with a possible wood shampoo.

Didn't she molest a dude.... For real

"Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski were arrested in Kavanaugh protests"

Is that what this fat tub of shit is doing? Seems kind of like she was looking to get arrested considering she showed up in jail greens. It's also really sad that she's clearly doing this for attention considering her uncle will take good care of her if even she's even remotely close to a jail.

What a loser.

Yeah bruv, once the police said "do you want to get arrested" her miss piggy eyes light up.

"Do you want to get arrested?"

"OMG, yes! Hold on, make sure there are cameras on us when you cuff me."

"Uh, we're not cuffing you. We're tagging you with this pink band, Ms. Piggy."

I'm surprised they didn't staple the tag to her ear and shuffle her into the back of a truck to the slaughter house.

Just put a feed bag on that cunt

What a frumpy disaster

She looks like she douches with Raid.

How did she get arrested anyway? Its not illegal to be an annoying cunt or protest.

The conspiracy that Christine Blasey Ford is really Schumer in makeup is hilariously retarded. Her face is, empirically, too fat for CBF to be Amy in makeup and prosthetics..


Calm down piggy.


Is this photoshop? Looks like she has t-Rex arms

Eat, eat! You're skin and bones.

She's so ugly.

I bet she loved the bacon sundaes at McDonalds.

She is John Candy. Someone get on this

I wish