Here's what the CEO of reddit posted today about subreddits being banned:

1  2018-10-04 by TangerineReam

Speaking of bans, you’ve probably noticed that over the past few months we’ve banned a few subreddits and quarantined several more. We don't take the banning of subreddits lightly, but we will continue to enforce our policies (and be transparent with all of you when we make changes to them) and use other tools to encourage a healthy ecosystem for communities. We’ve been investing heavily in our Anti-Evil and Trust & Safety teams, as well as a new team devoted solely to investigating and preventing efforts to interfere with our site, state-sponsored and otherwise. We also recognize the ways that redditors themselves actively help flag potential suspicious actors, and we’re working on a system to allow you all to report directly to this team.

We never make lists of "hate subreddits", and we were somewhat able to neuter (but not kick out) the MDE autist's that came over here. But these days, who knows who could be next: r/KIA is the furthest thing from a "hate subreddit", and yet they have a HUGE target on their back from a thousand other subreddits.

We pretty much stay in our lane and attack people related to the show, but we're also pretty brazen when it comes to our opinion on women (let's say), among other things. And even though we get shit done; it still can be seen as "targeted harassment", even if the target are mostly white, cis men. We put a black eye on Amy Schumer's career and the feminist autist's dint care. r-standup got mad at us, some idiot college kid did a piece on us in some blog, but that's it.

Something to consider. Last thing we want is this place shut down, because Nana would just take all the credit while pissing on our grave...


If we go down, our spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know to feed Nana

If they're not trying to ban you, then you aren't accomplishing anything

game of tennis anyone?

They only care about Jew stuff. Their "Anti-Evil and Trust & Safety teams" are the SPLC and ADL and one pink-hair in the office. Every ban wave is a bunch of (((())))-talkin' subs and two or three other random "offensive" ones.

I'd like us to go out in a blaze of crazed Vos hate, because LOL, but the truth is we're gonna be randomly added to a ban wave or we're not. Our time as the top hate sub passed years ago, and what we do now doesn't matter.

Plus we love Jewish beefers

And our Daniel Ben Dovid

People r starting to wake up about the jew so they r getting scared. Jews really stink

The goy knows! SHUT IT DOWN!

In the unlikely event that we do get shut down, don't forget /r/scorch

These retards want to play whack-a-mole with censorship, that's fine by me. Pretty easy to stay one step ahead.

PFG idea man.

When you’re only harassing meaningless, low life scum like Joe Cumia nobody will notice or care. He’s a lonely old faggot who posts made anecdotes about his street smarts on Facebook. In his quest to be some sort of conservative online analysts he outed himself as a member of a homosexual ass play club. He’s a real doofus.

a stunod, as they say.

Reading through that and reading all the Joe Derosa hate makes me happy.

r/standupshots blows


r/KIA is the furthest thing from a "hate subreddit", and yet they have a HUGE target on their back from a thousand other subreddits.

Wait, what? Why?

Kia Optima drivers suffer from a lot of bigotry

Not to ruin the bit but he meant r/KotakuinAction they are a bunch of fags that get mad for bringing up the Jews anyways.

Are those the gamer gay fags

You didn't know? White Nationalist like to run their KIA Sportages in their garage with the door down, in order to gass jews. It's cheaper than zyklon b and just as effective.

There were a couple of BanHateSubreddits SUBREDDITS, that include KOTAKUINACTION (not to ruin the fun because the KIA jokes are funny) on their shit lists. But they ran them side by side with the 4chan autistic off-shoots, likening them to nazi's and the usual buzzwords.

KiA stays in their lane and runs a tight ship (even though they can be fags at times) and follows the rules, so if they actually do wind up getting banned at some point; that's going to tell you all you need to know about censorship in 2018.

If anything happens we have Been Shapiro's sister on our side.

HAHAHA the Anti-Evil Enforcement League is no match for us!

Anti-Evil and Trust & Safety teams

yeah that sounds very specific and not depending on the whims of some trigger happy fat sjw antifafag