She's not a privileged white women. She's a victim. Of society. Because we all HATE lesbians. They are the most hated people. A million elite NY lesbians are killed in the rural south ever year.

1  2018-10-04 by HolidayWaltz


well i fucked this title up.


well i fucked this title my life up.

I can barely get through lesbo porn because my unmitigated hatred of them clashes with my need to ejaculate

A nyt article? I'll just inhale my own farts and be done with it. Its the same thing.

Why use 1 punchline when you can use 6?

They misindentify her as Australian. She’s a white Tasmanian. Very high and mighty for someone from a country where being gay was illegal until 1998 and they don’t have any Aboringes because they used to hunt them for sport.

"FUCK the Aborigines" -Hannah Gadsby, 2012, probably

So where exactly did Tasmania taje a wrong turn?

"... coming shortly after Ms. Gadsby received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. Together, those events gave her a new clarity about her life and the torment she suffered — "

She’s Autistic??? Hahah

Shes playing every fucking victim card in the book

I hate how this cunt is being pushed everywhere.

I wish Troy Quan would push her somewhere

He could bite the fuck out of her ankles, unless all the fat acts like a lion's mane.

Bobby, there's propane in my urethra!

Lesbians think they outrage and threaten people by being lesbians, but no one has ever given a shit.

"Comedy-destroying" is right.

I don't believe it was ever raped. How would that even work?