It drives Jim crazy that Rich & Bonnie don't have a show together, but he's never really done anything to help them...

1  2018-10-04 by CacaDick

Jim is a star picker... Just look at Kelsey Cooke & Lauren... Vos and Bonnie fucking suck ass because they're old whiny parents. It's over you stupid morons. Open up a jam store in Connecticut and get the fuck out of the very bottom level of show business. You're blocking the door.


Vos is still funny and could probably do a decent podcast if he did it solo or with someone other than his hole wife

He 100% could not do a consistently funny podcast. He just talks about comedy and no one fucking cares. Also his slur is disgusting for non O&A regulars. 100% no way he could be successful at radio or TV. He's tried for 30 years... I'm right.

If he had a good cohost he could do a decent podcast. Didnt say anything about radio or tv, just a little podcast on riotcast or something

No chance. Not even a little slim maybe chance. There is seriously ZERO chance that Rich Vos will find success in any form of show business. Even writing. Even moving boxes. He's terrible.

I find it kind of surprising too tbh. Rich is a member of the tribe, and there is so much corny shit on TV you'd think they'd eventually get either a reality series or sitcom.

Don't get me wrong though, Bonnie sucks ass and her sister is retarded.

He's ugly and has a slur. Bonnie is old and fat. It's not surprising why they don't have a show. Also, have you ever listened to their show? It's TERRIBLE. They argue and bicker. It's not even ironically funny. They lost and won't accept it.

Not to mention he lost his (((status))) after getting tattooed.

Stop it, no one over the age of 40 is funny.

It has to do with not having talent and not having self awareness. Bonnie & Vos should both, by now, understand they suck.

Bonnie is a sour cunt like my manager at Panera Breadp

Who wants to listen to her fucking cry about how Nannette is good? Jesus fuck.

“Who are these Podcasts” hit em pretty good, they heard it and you could tell it cut deep on Rich

But the guys who do that podcast are even lower than hacks. You can't have less than hacks judging hacks. It's seriously ridiculous out here.

That makes it so much more brutal though. Rich and Bonnie get all of the damage of being methodically picked apart and trashed, and none of the increased exposure they would have otherwise benefited from if it were coming from a more popular source.

Agreed, but that’s what made it more enjoyable. Instead of ignoring it and filling it under “who gives a fuck”, Rich, a professional comedian, let a hack get under his skin, and it absolutely bothered him

The thing about Vos is he has had the same appearance on the radio since O&A. He offers nothing. It's Opie's same bit of he hates to be touched, he's out of touch, he talks about hack road stories. No matter what show, that's his appearance. It's like seeing Yakov Smirnov in Branson. It's just sad. (No offense to Yakov, a fucking insanely successful comic compared to Vos)

Jim has never listened to My Wife Hates me but he's heard it's great.

Vos would make a good third mic. He can’t steer the ship and he can’t be the main funny guy but he’s good for a few great zingers an episode and otherwise he can be a punching bag when needed.

Vos would make a good corpse.

But the guys who do that podcast are even lower than hacks. You can't have less than hacks judging hacks. It's seriously ridiculous out here.