who in their right fucking mind would ever pay this much money for a podcast???

1  2018-10-04 by catscabs


But it's the only network LEFT that's RIGHT!

And it's the Free Speech Network, with open and honest discussions. Where else you going to get that type of show?

Literally everywhere on the internet? Pffft.

We won't censor ourselves like all those other shows that do

I counted the shows and which way their hosts lean and it's more left than right now.

I finally cancelled a couple of months ago after seeing Keith's yacht and realizing why the network is so cheap in paying their talent. Also the network is so stale, it's now a replica of Keith's personality.

Before leaving the O&A Universe forever (After 14 years), I gotta ask, is Missy, Cat Shit Crazy Girl?

Yes, she is.

Tranny prostitutes and Bud Light aren't free my friend

Must cost a lot to keep the allowance money coming in so his family members and his beak-nosed, masculine pretend girlfriend can continue to act like they like him.

Fred from Brooklyn and Steve from Gay Shore

imagine paying an old man on the internet exactly $83.95 to listen to him talk about black people for a year

like imagine its not anthony

And if you cancel the next year's payment anytime during that year you automatically lose access to what you paid for the rest of the year

how incompetent can keith be? lol

Myself and two other people that I know all canceled and continued to have access to the “network” (eye roll) for the rest of our sub period. And still, none of us listened. It was already paid for, and it was better to just not listen.

I've not heard of anyone being able to use their full subscription. When i canceled they literally had a fuck you were not going to let you keep using the service if you cancel page.

I can get that back in VA for free

Listen, first of all, that's a huge discount over paying the monthly fee for 12 months. Secondly, the social engineering we are getting is happening in all media, all at the same time. It's an agenda and people are getting sick of it. People are sick of people bullying them with this crap and then pretending they are the bullied. Also clear proof that it is an agenda at Blizzard.

As far as "bullying", when companies are not SJW and I will give the example of CDPR in Poland (a country that gives a big middle finger to modern feminism), media is trying to bully them into going SJW. Every article I see on Cyberpunk2077 with dev interviews has to do with gender BS.

People are just going to stop giving these companies money. See Battlefield V sales. People aren't stupid. Also women are not = modern feminism. Modern feminism hates women. It tells them that that everything that makes them wonderful, unique and special (the pseudoscience that gender is a social construct) doesn't matter and that they should be an inferior version of a man.

Modern feminism has contributed nothing to civilization. It has harmed it. It has harmed women, men and children. It's a hate movement (the pseudoscience and teaching of toxic masculinity is hate) and a cult. We have zero metrics that modern feminism since CIA Assets like Gloria Steinem took over the movement has helped society. The family has been torn apart, people are on more prescription drugs than ever, suicides and depression are sky high. To call it "progressive" is a complete fabrication.

Modern feminists are enemies of humanity. They are miserable people who want others to be as miserable as themselves.

I refuse to read all of this. Faggot.

I did a quick scan of that to see where you justify selling unfunny garbage from a collection of uninteresting nobodies for a couple bucks shy of what every streaming giant is charging for content that they're spending billions on.... didn't see it.

Nice buzzwords, stupid.

Thanks for reading, stupid. I think what RLM does better than so many other reviewer-types out there is that they do such a good job of actually going in depth on something and giving you a reason to care about it. So many people have discussed Psycho and why it's this or that and blah blah blah but it always tends to be the same few surface level talking points. RLM goes way deeper and I appreciate that.

I never saw Psycho. Never had any interest in it, but I understood why it was important. Like a piece of history. This re:View actually made me want to watch Psycho and the sequel and that's the first time in my life that I can say that.

You watch pro rasslin. I'm talking about a well-respected movie. nice false equivalency, man-child.

I think what RLM does better than so many other reviewer-types out there is that they do such a good job of actually going in depth on something and giving you a reason to care about it.

Agreed, but what's that got to do with Opie or Anthony?

That's a direct quote from me regarding the movie Psycho. It was supposed to embarrass me back into obscurity.

Hahaha i deff thought this was a tongue-in-cheek troll post until i realized youre not joking. Ho.Lee.Shit. Youre a douche.

that's a huge discount over paying the monthly fee for 12 months

If its complete shit you are paying for, the size discount doesn't really matter. It's worth nothing.

Wait! no Vos plug = Downvote you Gowl!

You really just wanted to rant about feminism, right? What the fuck does this have to do with Ant charging $85 a year?

We get it, you're a Gamergater.

Feminism is important because we all love our mothers, sisters, daughters, cousins, aunties, grandmothers, wives and nanas. Maybe you should take some time to re-examine your misogyny.

So do you or do you not pay money to watch an old man who fucks little tranny boys?

Jesus, Shudder is like $45 a year, DC Universe is $79, Hulu is $7.99 a month. How can he think this pricing makes sense? It’s a fucking video podcast

It cost millions to ship the green-screen rig from Al Goldstein's '70s public access show across town.

I'm sure at some point he spent a stupid amount of money to try and speed up the launch, only to spend weeks fucking with it to get it working.

He's basically taking the meagre spare change of people with the intelligence and loyalty of Bobo from them

But there are 4 other no-names that do a podcast on front of the same green screen, where else are you going to find that?

You tube

DC Universe? I haven't heard of that, access to all DC related stuff?

A lot of TV shows and a limited selection of comics related to those shows. The comics selection is pretty weak to start with. Marvel also has Marvel Unlimited for about $70 a year and it's comics focused with tens of thousands of comics.

Would be good to have both. Sounds like Marvel Unlimited has alot more.

There are things missing and some series have odd gaps but you could read every issue of the mainline Iron Man or Cap books or Amazing Spider-Man. The current stuff is 6 months behind.

Awesome, appreciate it

Worth it to hear from rogan I guess. You don’t hear much from him outside of the like eight hours of free content he puts up every single week

He did almost 6 hours yesterday alone lol

It's not a podcast, sir, it's a internet television network featuring shows from such comedy industry powerhouses as Bob Shlitz, Dan Lando, and the Brennan that nobody knows. It's not like a few dollars more a month can get you a superior streaming service that spends billions on programming.

For the price of a cup of coffee!

Are Bill crystals and Jon Depp going to be making apppearence's?

No unfortunately they are even aware to not be associated with the compound, however some guy that has seen them in passing and made breath eye contact will be on the show today! So more time can be spent for ant to inform us of the latest black crime stats and developments.

To be fair, they don’t have the money that these big company have that keep luring away their potential gets. (As per KtC on Twitter)

Don’t forget world famous Dave Richards.

$8.95 a month? Is he insane?

It used to be cheaper, but then he got Artie for a good few months, yet never bothered lowering the prices when he left. How convenient

Even having Artie there to wheeze and repeat 10-year-old jokes doesn't justify that price.

Of course not, Artie fucking sucks. I've never understood the hype around him, he had a few ok segments on Stern but he's never made me laugh out loud. His whole schtick is that he's a complege asshole, and that can be funny sometimes, but you actually have to supplement that with good jokes as well. And not jokes that you repeat every fucking day.

I feel like “complege” should be a word. Like the sentence itself is definable as is...”His whole schtick is that he’s a complege (pronounced like ‘liege.’) meaning someone is a complete asshole. Anyway, just sounds right.

I know, that's why I meant to do it like that.

Genuinely. You would tell us if you didn’t, right?

I'd tell you if I was lying. I honestly would.

I knew Jim was lying one time because he was telling me he was lying

He’s always been terrible. Always thought I was just too young to like him when he was in his prime, if he ever had one. He’s always been a worthless addict who gets forever-sympathy from those around him.

I liked his sports references and stories about being a scumbag drug addict gambler. Maybe he's not 'funny' but definitely entertaining back during the Stern days.

Gas has Dice. How much do they charge while also putting out free content multiple times a week?

No he’s just a boomer.


How has Rogan not been clued in on the creepshow that is Nana??

I suspect he has and is waiting to ask him in person.

My guess is Rogan cancelled Nana’s appearance on JRE and this little phoner was offered as a consolation.

Ant said on his show yesterday that comedians have rufused to come on from shit from 5 years back (obviously the racist stuff, or maybe the biting). He said it during Rogans phoner.

Joe, like most of the old O&A semi-regular crowd is still paying back Nana for the free plugs they let him do when he was still a middle. Bill Burr does the same thing on his podcast, brings it up monthly that they got plugs instead of money. It seems to have had a lasting effect.

Never paid anything for audio and never will

By listening to commercial radio you are paying for the audio through advertising.

I don't listen to any commercial radio.

Be sure to use promo code IDIOT to get free stuff.

Fuck, does ant ever wear other clothes?


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Lol dangerous to be a comedian

I heard some comics has a security detail because he's seemed too edgy for the civilians

Ant should go back to doing a "radio" show, cutting his overhead costs in half, and lowering the sub price to $2-3 a month. His core audience is truckers and cubicle workers anyway. He needs to appeal again to the people who like to listen to a show while they do other shit. Who has 2 hours a day to devote your undivided attention to watch what should be a podcast/radio show? The visual aspect adds nothing.

Do you think people would come flooding back? How would anyone even find out about a price reduction? Through Twitter? Ant’s the definition of obscurity.

Agreed. He is finished. More trying to make the point he went the wrong direction from the beginning. He had a built-in fan base and he didn't cater to them. Making it a tv talk show was just dumb, unnecessary and costly.

But Anthony has such great on-screen presence. Brando-esque, they've said. You have to see his arms flailing wildly and thumbs twitching up a storm to really get the full effect.

An ex-cop and a drop out. Why did we expect miracles when it comes to knowing how to run a business?

They should have tried to replicate what made O&A and the Stern show great. Wacky characters and edgy humor. They needed someone with talent running the network, Keith & Anthony's great ideas ran out after 2 months.

At the very least he should have just let luis turn it into a comedy network or gavin turn it into a political netwrk

Making it a tv talk show was just dumb, unnecessary and costly

Did you happen to notice the fake cigarette in the ashtray on the desk? Doesn't it remind you of the heyday of Carson, fellow kids?

There's too much choice out there and I think he fails to see that. I'm going to use Last Podcast on the Left as an example. It's about serial killers, cults and conspiracy stuff but they throw a lot of humor in there. It's not the same as O&A but it can scratch that dark humor itch that they used to have and it's from guys that are still young and hungry. I would be much more willing to toss them $5 a month on Patreon as a thank you, than I would be to pay Anthony anything because his show sucks.

Fuck that, that's crazy. $84 to listen to Cumia and some dope I've never even heard of? I'd rather send that money to a starving African child. Dear Ndugu.....

Thank you, Mr. Schmidt

So for the price of Amazon Prime (basically), you get Nana's lame and limited perspective on the world....

For fucks sake, I just subscribed to Bret Easton Ellis' podcast for $1.50 a month ($10 a month if you want to actually participate and ask his guests questions), and Nana thinks his view and brand is worth almost ten times more.

Bret Easton Ellis?

The show that begins with a scripted monologue?

Aka show prep?

If Ant did show prep would anybody notice the difference?

Not only that, a show with hardened opinion backed up by thoughtful evidence and critiques.

I would maybe pary for Rogan. Maybe $10 a year

Yup. Rogan would be worth the money. Dan Carlin is pay-worthy too.

$9/month just to watch this geriatric retard's fucking show.

The same kind of retards that would pay to listen to Jim and Sam

That graphic at the bottom is horrifically bad. There are free OBS themes that look better.

Free speech alt right warriors

What you don't understand is that they have very few subscribers but high overhead cost, in order to maintain the overhead they need to raise the monthly price. Keithenomics.

People pay to listen to Sam, they pay $1000 for a fucking iphone and some retards will even pay for the Tits show. Some even think nothing of giving the UFC the same sort of money a month to watch two passport dodgers beat each other to a pulp.


Don't like it, don't pay it. Simple.

I would rather pour Chevron with Techron into my earholes than listen to Anthony Cumia Show with Dave Landau

is there anyone on compound with a significant following besides nana? I don't understand how this company still exists.

I have a free account I share with someone because I am a friend of CM ;)

To be fair, people still wouldn't watch even if it was free.

Are you fucking stupid or what? It's called a discount for purchasing in bulk. You have nothing to live for but the desperate hope that you're relevant here.

Opie and Chip are free, Ant.

Sounds like someone forgot to feed nana this morning.

$83 is still far too high for a show I wouldn't even listen to for free

Everything that comes from this account screams either “i am Ant” or “i wish i was Ant”

Kill yourself faggot, nobody cares.

Lol. Wish youd have a sense of humor on your expensive vlog. Maybe then somebody would watch it.

Keep saying faggot. It makes you seem cool and not pathetic at all.

One of the reasons I didn’t renew. That and I was listening to Gavin & Taleb more than Ant but Gavin jumped ship so I followed.

Not worth 85 bucks a year to a dude who makes 8 grand single hand bets in blackjack. I’m comfortable financially but fuck that noise.

I thought it was MORE than Netflix.

I'm gonna make a podcast where it's like 9.99 for a year, 39.99 for 6 months and 79.99 for a year

You have the business acumen of a retired cop.

Right wing mid western mouth breathers? Or people that live in Suffolk County.

But he has a GREEN SCREEN!!!

It's really so stupid this day and age. You give away the podcast but get more sponsors. You make a premium service that you charge maybe 5 bucks a month for, where people get the podcast early and some other perks. What a dope.

I would really rather not

Very few people, I suspect. I'd honestly be shocked if his sub count was over 1,000 at this point.

I just don't understand how he plans on getting new listeners with this pay service. Your only subscribers right now are old OnA fanboys who are slowly getting bored or dying off. It's not sustainable at all. If the show was free it would be easier to promote and it would make its rounds on the internet. It's a stupid walled off network that's only shrinking.

He gets subs from his work on Alex Jones' show.

The pay hike was crazy. If I actually saw improvement in the production quality and shows then maybe. But Ant is charging near Netflix prices. For 0.01 quality of shows and service. He needs to cut the monthly fee by 3/4.

Niggas think they gonna cut a deal with vice but they gonna sell the network to Gomez for 76 dollars US

This is more than my phone bill and cable lol. Somebody is paying for this, though? Who!?

Let me know where you are getting phone and cable for $9/month- I want to sign up for that.

hundreds of people, perhaps more that that even


I pay for it. AMA. I also like In Hot Water, and every now and then Crime Report.

I love that Joe Rogan is going on TACS to promote his book. He's probably driving more subscribers to TACS, than viewers to his new show.

the same retards who pay Sirius for J&S

I got the feed free, emailed them the fact; a year later they fixed it.

LOL when anything of note happens on his "show" it's posted here, for free, like an hour later.

No one, they do poorly

I am a loyal guy. I’m still a fan of all of these losers. I really tried. I really really tried to enjoy his show. It actually got a lot better once Landau came aboard, no matter what anyone here says , but by then it was too late. He just can’t do it anymore. He can’t stay on a funny topic long enough. He just can’t do it. It’s no longer in his constitution to not talk about black people and politics.Or even the politics of black people. Whatever. He’s a drag. There’s no better description.

It cost millions to ship the green-screen rig from Al Goldstein's '70s public access show across town.

I'd tell you if I was lying. I honestly would.

But Anthony has such great on-screen presence. Brando-esque, they've said. You have to see his arms flailing wildly and thumbs twitching up a storm to really get the full effect.

An ex-cop and a drop out. Why did we expect miracles when it comes to knowing how to run a business?

He's basically taking the meagre spare change of people with the intelligence and loyalty of Bobo from them

But there are 4 other no-names that do a podcast on front of the same green screen, where else are you going to find that?

They should have tried to replicate what made O&A and the Stern show great. Wacky characters and edgy humor. They needed someone with talent running the network, Keith & Anthony's great ideas ran out after 2 months.

Making it a tv talk show was just dumb, unnecessary and costly

Did you happen to notice the fake cigarette in the ashtray on the desk? Doesn't it remind you of the heyday of Carson, fellow kids?

DC Universe? I haven't heard of that, access to all DC related stuff?

There's too much choice out there and I think he fails to see that. I'm going to use Last Podcast on the Left as an example. It's about serial killers, cults and conspiracy stuff but they throw a lot of humor in there. It's not the same as O&A but it can scratch that dark humor itch that they used to have and it's from guys that are still young and hungry. I would be much more willing to toss them $5 a month on Patreon as a thank you, than I would be to pay Anthony anything because his show sucks.

He gets subs from his work on Alex Jones' show.