Better duos than Jim and Sam 1/7,840,662

1  2018-10-04 by RuffianMcDonald-SS


their noses are both so ridiculous they kind of balance each other out.

What wholesome looking kids from the '90s

Not! 😉


At least these guys' antics have made me laugh.

And they had fewer bombs.

There it is, line of the day!! We got- wait, wait, Snowy wants in on this one, SNOWAYYYYY!!

Hahah ho-ly SHIT!

O&A interns Dylan and Shit dick.

They look so square without the trenchcoats

Total dicks, but the one on the left was way worse.

Stanhope has had their friend, Brooks Brown, on his podcast a few times, it’s pretty interesting.

which episode would you recommend?

Episode 270 from August 7 of this year.

Why was the one on the left way worse?

He was straight up psycho. The other guy was only doin it as a goof.

ME: To be honest I don’t even know the fuckin guy

Eric Harris (left) was a little genocidal psychopath who loved Nazis and wrote about wanting to kill niggers and retards. Dylan Klebold (right) was just a sulky depressed Jewish kid who got dragged along.

This Dylan fella doesn't sound too baby. Too bad he has the troll face smile.

Jews aren't known for their looks are they?

Whoops, I meant Eric.

Haha okay now I get the joke. Yeah Eric was the shit.

a little genocidal psychopath who loved Nazis and wrote about wanting to kill niggers and retards

so which part of that is bad?

The part where they started making shit up about the 30's and 40's in history books.

Like 6 million?

By all accounts he was the “alpha” of this duo, and instigated their plot. I’m not saying the other cunt isn’t responsible for this crime, just that one was worse than the other.

"The goy was pure evil. The jewish one dindu nuffin"

What a (((convenient))) narrative

Jesus, what a twisted, victimized view. No serious person looks at it that way, but if you insist, do you deny that Harris, by all evidence available, seems to have been the driving force in this attack?

I most certainly do, kiddo. I'm probably this sub's resident expert on Columbine. I've read the 11K report; have you, my nigga? My hypothesis is:

Eric's rage was very random and unfocused; you can see this clear as day on his website. Dylan was the one who had the idea to focus it at CHS, most likely after an early 1998 incident (before the infamous van burglary) in which a group of jocks pelted Dylan with ketchup-covered tampons in front of hundreds of students in the commons. Of the two, Dylan's writings contain the earliest references to bringing a gun to school. Dylan planted the idea of Columbine in Eric's head and Eric did the rest.

In fact, my most controversial hypothesis ever is that Dylan was the master manipulator, not Eric. To this day, Dylan gets a rap as being a "poor depressed follower" when in fact he was anything but. At Columbine, Dylan bullied a disabled student named Adam Kyler so ruthlessly that Kyler contemplated suicide. Most people who knew Eric said of him "I could totally see him doing that" [commit the shooting], but everyone was shocked when Dylan's name came up as a second shooter.

Lastly, the day of the shooting, Dylan was the more brutal of the two. He's the one who blew Lance Kirkland's face off. He's the one who taunted students in the library. Although there exists a rumor that Dylan "freaked out" when he realized he & Eric had killed Rachel Scott because she was his friend & he was infatuated with her, that's just based on one surviving student's account. Also, if you try to argue kill count in rebuttal, remember Dylan's primary weapon was a AB-10, which was known to be a shitty gun. That's probably why he killed fewer people; it wasn't for lack of trying, he just used a gun that sucked.

So yes, in conclusion I most certainly do deny it. Here's a 25-page synopsis of life at Columbine based entirely on students who attended and knew the shooters, if you want to read some accounts:


Didn't see that response coming eh?

It doesn’t really address my point, which had to do with one of them being a Jew and some sort of concerted mis-retelling of history.

I like your flair and I dug your hypothesis

How can I believe anything you just said when you cant spell Lance Kirklin correctly

Because proper nouns are gay.

Wow. Never seen this report. Thanks for posting. I'm also quite the Columbine fanatic.

Did you mean to say people were shocked that Eric was a shooter?

Wait, do you think that DK was a Jew (crypto or otherwise) and that his involvement has been downplayed by the concerted effort of a media intent on misrepresenting the truth?



That sounds pretty interesting.

Vodka and Reb put more effort and preparation into NBK (a single day) than Jim Norton and Sam Roberts have put into anything in their lives.

Their explosives didn't work, and the majority of people they killed were nerds (not the jock bullies), so they were still failures.

Lest we forget they had plans to fly a plane in to the wtc way before them Ali babas even bought thermite paint,

White people really do invent everything, ha ha ha hoo-lee shit

Nerds suck, bro.

Just happen to have doom mod videos playing on YouTube

Why couldn't Sam have been a student at Columbine? With his rich, stuck up, obnoxious attitude, he absolutely would have made Eric's hit list, and the little geeky midget would've almost certainly spent his lunch break in the library. :(



He would be hiding under a table in the cafeteria but get drawn out into firing range by the sweet allure of the almighty tendy.

Jim and Sam wish they had fans as devoted as this

what is the backstory to that video?

Eric Harris (left) was a little genocidal psychopath who loved Nazis and wrote about wanting to kill niggers and retards. Dylan Klebold (right) was just a sulky depressed Jewish kid who got dragged along by Eric.

Hopefully Jim and Sam emulate their final moments.

Wow and I thought this post was funny last week in text form!

Now, the added visual element just adds to the urge to try and outdo everyone on my knowledge of a mass murder 30 years ago!

Put a pair of glasses on Dylan Kliebold and Brett Kavanaugh would’ve date raped him.

Looking back these two did look like cunts.

They did work well together

Because proper nouns are gay.