Fatboy comes crawling back to Daddy.

1  2018-10-03 by nomobjustice


What is the context?

Erock invited Opie onto his podcast, Opie said he wasn't interested so Erock made a passive aggressive tweet pouting about it.

Erock has a podcast?

Everyone at the compound gets a podcast. Its easier and cheaper than getting anyone with a name or talent or who isn't a reject from society.

Nobody knows. Erock gets about 2 likes per "new episode" post on Twitter. I think he just says he does.

Erock pretending to have a podcast would be funnier than anything Erock could ever do on a podcast

The first of many that will gravitate back to the guy that knows the business.

The same 'business' that he couldn't back into despite trying desperately and now is stuck doing some shitty podcast?

Ope wanted to get back to the grass roots of radio. He's been doing this since he was 18.

Nice try with the hate tho.

Tbf erock is only doing that because hes a planet

Nagel said he invited Opie to the NYCC and Opie responded with a no. Opie said that was horse shit.

It wasn't even a bad thing to say no to a CP Media appearance. They should be used to hearing "no" by now. Also, why would Opie want to appear on a network where the owner, his former partner, regularly trashes him and even sells T-shirts mocking him?

What's NYCC or CC?

New York Comic Con

Ok tnx.

Why the fuck would CP media go to Comic Con? Anthony has literally nothing to do with comics or need culture. He's a racist who plays shitty games badly.

The poster ain't never stopped being cool he gets all the patch

Because of all the underage girls dressed up silly.

More importantly, the underage boys dressed up as underage girls.

Anthony "Traps" Cumia

He's a closet furry

Because Howard Stern's been doing a NY Comic Con segment since Yucko the Clown went in 2005.

Sure, hoo hoo me all you want but it's still a decent bit he does.

Probably because it’s a place he can “make an appearance” without having to be asked. Because his options for the latter have run dry

These comic cons are meet-ups where people talk about their favorite lines from Jaws and King of Comedy, right? Ant and his crew will fit right in.

CP Media would go to have provide actual face time with all their loyal viewers like they did during the Tampa, Florida Comic-Con in 2015.


Because CP media is a con.

Thank you for giving this drama some context.

Cumia looking for Opie to rescue his failing network. Watch for another few "Greggshells" episodes / segments after this.

Why do these creeps all think that just an invitation to hang with them is all they need to "repair" a relationship. Do they ever consider that they are not worth hanging with and that is what the problem is.

They've spent the last several years saying the nastiest shit about the guy and then go "So we're cool, right?" They're all children. Actually, children are far better at knowing how to have actual relationships.

I dont get it either. Hate the guy and bust on him all ya want but then why the fuck do u want to "shake hands and make up". Jim and ant have talked about how shitty he was to work for...then leave it at that and go on

Opie, after Ant's firing - and idiot Ant threw away any bullshit excuses he could make by ADMITTING THIS IN A NEWSWEEK INTERVIEW - texted Ant right after the fallout, wanting to meet for a beer to try and talk things over.

Ant, because people and public places outside his safe zone scare him like a reclusive sissy-mary, refused, saying "Why would I want to meet for a drink?" Yet from that day, he has played up the narrative that Opie made no attempt to repair their fractured partnership.

He offered to meet you in a neutral setting, you flaccid dipshit. How is that not an attempt? Because it's not at your house, surrounded by your kiss-ass slave boys, while you can respond courageously in a drunken Xanax haze with an audience laughing at your shit retorts?

The more I learn about Anthony, the more it genuinely (seriously) becomes obvious that Opie was the brains behind that show, and Ant needed that kind of steady direction to be funny. Duffy's revelations have only confirmed this for me.

I know scripture says judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.

But this Anthony Cumia is a REAL JERK

The jerk of all jerks.

The jerk store called and they're running out of him

Whoa whoa whoa! Does scripture say you can be a potty mouth, too? Paul’s letter to the Corinthians didn’t rely on that type of vulgarity. Shame, sir.

We've been waiting for Opie vs. Anthony live on-air for YEARS. Their first meeting absolutely should have been on the radio.

I vehemently disagree. Even at their worst, their radio show was many times better than anything else available today. There are a couple of podcasts that are pretty good, but even in the last year or two of the show the Erock jingle contest was awesome, Jocktober was always good, there were so many good bits even if they were more spread out than usual, a lot of the Lady Diana bits were great, etc. instead of having some kind of stupid confrontation, they should’ve just acknowledged on the air that they sometimes didn’t get along, and both realize they were being babies about obstacles that were anything but insurmountable. So what they got on each other‘s nerves? Friends do that. They each allow their own paranoia to drive the relationship to where it became untenable. That’s their fault, they didn’t need some big stupid blowout confrontation, they just needed to stop being babies and get along again. Literally millions of people across the country, across the world, every day put aside their differences. Even the unexceptional remnants of what was once the best show on radio was worth saving. The fucking blew it, not because either one of them did anything unforgivable, but because they were babies. Stupid babies. Both of them. And especially Norton, who had absolutely no right to treat anyone like shit when he would be absolutely nowhere without the two of them.

Many flaws of his aside, Opie was trying to do the human thing by reaching out - I can't fault him for trying to appeal to a former friend after they just destroyed their own life.

In fairness, I don’t think Erock was ever really on the Opie hate train.


Now there is a forth person doing the formerly unthinkable: Making Opie look like the cool guy.

He should have to drink a tall glass of Sam Rogers piss in order to be forgiven.

It wasn't even a bad thing to say no to a CP Media appearance. They should be used to hearing "no" by now. Also, why would Opie want to appear on a network where the owner, his former partner, regularly trashes him and even sells T-shirts mocking him?

What's NYCC or CC?

The same 'business' that he couldn't back into despite trying desperately and now is stuck doing some shitty podcast?

Tbf erock is only doing that because hes a planet

Thank you for giving this drama some context.