"More like" Mel gibsons multi million $ action movie (Well played Porsalin, you made it)

1  2018-10-03 by lylechipsterston


Thought it was some personalized thing but I'm getting it too.

Used the Tor Browser, so there was no way for an algorithm to know that I congregate with you fucking Nazis here or saw the doc: Same result.

The Gay for Gibson crowd did it. There is only 363 votes, yet. There are 218 votes on the doc.

Anyway, I'm curious about that movie. The director really knows how to entertain. Fuck Metacritic.



i wanna see the mel movie

This has become surreal. They'll have to come up with a new name for this level of trolling now that full feature productions mocking O&A alumni are listed on the IMDB.

there isnt really anywhere else like this place

I remember when a few of you idiots said the sub would perish after Ant's firing. How you like it now?

dont take it out on me, iv always had faith

Not you sweetie, I apologize for screaming at you to get my point across.

thats alright beautiful I hope you're good

Well sir, I happen to love it. Thanks for asking

It's not even trolling, it's a public service.

How the fuck...

You gotta put 4 evenly spaced white laurel logos at the top of an already excellent poster.

That poster just adds to the legitimacy. Bravo!

Zahler is a Hollywood treasure.

I hope concrete gets a wide release but thoroughly enjoyed 99 and Tomahawk online

Im seeing a sneak preview on Tuesday, I can't fucking wait. He and Tyler Sheridan are my favorite people in Hollywood right now.

This is fantastic

2 hrs. 39 minutes?!

I like my movies 90 minutes. Anything passed 110 and I get grumpy.

This sub is a magical place.

same here, showed up on mine as well

That's viral brotherman.

This is one of the only movies I’m looking forward to aside from Halloween and Suspiria.. check out this director’s other movies Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99 if you haven’t.


That cave scene in bone tomahawk haha

*I saw this last night.

My buddy was somehow able to finnagle us tickets to the world premiere last night in LA, it was pretty rad. Our Lord & Savior Mel was there and it was pretty fucking rad to see him, I had no idea he would be there.

Um...I love S Craig's first two movies, but this was...it's weird, even for him. It's way too long and doesn't have nearly enough happen in it. There's a handful of great scenes and some fun over the top gore/violence, but on the whole it felt like his "Hateful Eight" to me; a bit on the self indulgent side. Just saying, get ready for it to be nowhere near as awesome as you probably think it would have.