Live From The Compound

1  2018-10-03 by Christopher_Barton


I have a jacuzzi

Its close, but its missing the bud light and the skin should look far worse

Also the hair looks too good and the beautiful eyes, Ant wishes he looked so good.

Ha ha ho-ly crypt!

Hello, little ghouls! I'm trying to creep out of trouble, but those hands are just divine! Mind if I bite off more than I can chew? Cackles

Hello ghouls, I saw some human trafficking going on yesterday on my dayyyy outttt. THEY WERE IN A BUS! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE, HOLY SHIT!

Actually, I'd love to go to dinner with you, talk about stuff and even maybe spook you :-)

what happened to dat niggas nose

Hello Boils & Ghouls!

When you are wealthy enough to buy good beer but you choose to drink pisswater that takes 10 beers to get drunk and upsets your stomach after each sip.

Drinking beer is so cool

Cumia Sr. is back in town.

He is his brothers keeper.