Reminder. Anthony has another alt twitter account tweeting endlessly into a void waiting for us to find it

1  2018-10-03 by Dennyislife


I love his constructive use of time

Oh yeah??? Do you even have a POOL, asshole??? 🤣🤣🤣

He's used his caretaker's Twitter before to talk shit to Opie

This is an executive mandate that we all refer to Keith as Nana's caretaker from now on.


Guys, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Anthony might be a somewhat lonely person.

Staving off death and obscurity by sipping yet another Slippery Nipple.

He's always got Fred From Brooklyn and Kurt Love

I disagree. He's not a person.

what are you talking about? Having your poker buddies farting in your basement is way better than a doting wife.

Fuck anthony, it's Sam time

I agree. I'd much rather see Sam in obscurity at the moment

As opposed to his current roaring success? Who the fuck knows who he is outside of wrestling and this sub?

Why not both?

You're always trying to protect/deflect attention away from Nana.

deflect attention away from Nana.

This is how these people view it when you point out that the Cumia repeat jokes are repetitive. They don't think it's simply about it being "WE GET IT", they think they're trying to protect a racist and their SJW instincts kick in and they double down.

Leave my decaying radio boyfriends alone you... you SJWS!


Hi Anth!

Hi poster who obsesses about the Cumias because their racism upsets you, draining the humor out of it in the process

Yes. Joe Cumia's humor is great.

he's a clown, not a dangerous racist boogeyman

hell yeah dude

keep it in cumtown, fag

We have plenty of hate in our hearts to go around.

Sam is so negligible and easy to ignore, you need to ride the momentum while it's here. It'll be gone soon and he'll be back in the shadows, growing again like mold.

I do a twitter phrase search everyday for "those people"

...and the best part is that most of his ballwashers can't even follow it because they know that's how others have been found. So I guess he just expects KtC and the rest to bookmark and manually check his page 6,000 times a day.

is he posting a lot of reports of black people committing crimes?

Tweeting in obscurity

To obscurity and beyond!

Leave my decaying radio boyfriends alone you... you SJWS!

Hi Anth!

hell yeah dude