Jim, Sam and Anthony have one way out...

1  2018-10-03 by CordouroyStilts

At this point the veil has been removed, old interns have come forward and the ratings are in the toilet and these documentaries are getting more YT views than the real shows...these are dark days for the boys. There is only one chance left and its still a longshot.

All they can really do now is address the subreddit. It's been the elephant in the room for a long time and now it won't stop taking big meaty shits. We all smell it.

If Ant or Jim and Sam went through and made it entertaining like they used to do with Stern audio or any other radio beef currently going on it may spark something memorable.

O and A had a lot of listeners convinced that they had Stern in their crosshairs and that they were somehow on his level. Even though it was a total farce. Now they hide from some no name YouTubers and a fucking chat forum? THATS laughable.

Not to mention the Braunheiser revelation that is definitely interesting and allows them to revisit the jocktober/Terry Clifford saga without trying to recreate anything. All your listeners really want is O and A anyways. If they had any sense they'd be milking this.

Opie on the other hand has somehow made like Andy Dufrein and is being washed clean in the rain. He just had to crawl through shit after being punished for crimes he didn't commit.

I don't think he needs to, but I think this is a great opportunity for the Opster to come forward with his take. He could even go through the docs clip by clip. It's up to him though and I'd understand if he'd rather just move on.

Ant, Jim and Sam have one shot and that's to put it all on the table. They will blow it.


Jim and Ant maybe, no way out for Sam, he just needs to go away

You sir are correct. I just wanted to maybe entice him I to bringing it up.

The funny part about Sams situation is that we all know he watched the doc. He was all giddy when Jim brought up his and even said he watched the Matarese stuff. His silence is deafening.

Ant is a rapist pedophile. Kinda hard to come back from that one. No one really ever liked Sam to begin with so he's doomed. Jim has a rape thing out there as well.

rape is a social construct

Jim Did address his Documentary. He brought it up himself and he was actually really candid about it. I don’t know about Anthony because I don’t listen to his show. Sam is the only pussy who’s to much of a coward to address it. If it was about someone else then you know he’d revel in their misery & laugh about it. But since it’s him in the barrel then it’s not funny so he’ll just pretend like nothing happened.

I wonder if we can do something to make it to where Sam has to address the Documentary?

It's too late.

As Anth would say, "It's over Johnny".