What I have learned from the Pat Duffy AMA

1  2018-10-03 by ArvelAzamat

Everyone was a good guy except for Sam, Anthony and Club Soda Kenny. WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT?


a coddled giant midget, a thief, and a cop who was forced to retire. sounds like O&A to me.

Just Opie. The guy who made millions off of Pat's stunt boy antics and paid him $80 a week.

But it's ok... Opie apologized for using, abusing and discarding Pat so it's all good.

We don't prefer that negativity here brotherman.

No I said it's all good. All positive vibes here. Pat couldn't afford to buy a meal while he interned there (which explains eating all that shit and vomit) but it's awesome that he's on good terms with Opie brotherman.

Yeah brotherman that's the spirit. We're all just bros here taking zinc and lecithin and blowing huge loads on bitches. We're off that kratom too. Dabesso

At least he was allowed to look him in the eye.

And Opie gave him cash once in a while to help him out.