When will Louis C.K. get real?! Comedian’s surprise returns keep ignoring harassment allegations!

1  2018-10-03 by I_want_Forbin


Take that dick out!

Louis getting his uppity shit pushed in by real upper-class leftists for the rest of his life is gonna be fucking sweet.

"While Louis C.K.'s unexpected comedy set in late August was met largely with public outrage..."

Fucking huh? I remember cunts and beta millennials whining in rags like the new york times but thats not public outrage you fucking cat lady

Like 4 low tier nobody comedians soiled their tampons about it. Nobody anywhere cares.

breaking news faggots hate louie

I know, most horrific crimes are committed by men. Rape, murder: male domains. But Jesus fucking Christ are women annoying!

Men are shitty, but women will shit inside of your heart

How dare he move on with his life and continue doing what he enjoys. These fucking cunt feminists just want men to kill themselves

And of course the talentless Australian cunt has to give her opinion about it

This is why you shouldn’t apologize to these whiney cunts, He could have ignored everything and these faggots would still be writing the same shit about him it’s pathetic. I hope Louis starts being funny again now that he isn’t pandering to these knuckleheads

If he addressed it they’d lambast him for joking about it

Feminists: "being mad no matter what a man does is the bit."

he should book a theater and jack off for an hour in front of everyone

It would ruin his career. It's only okay when Miley Cyrus and Tove Lo do it because they are female.

"allegations". He admitted to it and apologized. Unless he did something illegal that you can arrest what do they want him to do?