Joe Derosa’s only moment of genius was casting the Destroyer as a bodyguard, recognizing he was the most Alpha man he knew

1  2018-10-02 by yamuddahscuntthen


joe even has fat eyelids.

Bug like in their appearance.

Just like the exhausted Egyptian guy at my local hood drive thru liquor store

"But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career."

A particular set of tits

Acquired since I was 18 years old

You better give me back my daughter FUCKFACE i've been doing this shit since I was fawkin 18

opie is a magical genius and not a psychopath and a boob

Is that sarcasm sniff

no id tell you if i genuinely scorch sue peoples court chicken nuggets feed nana!

Tsss that don’t make no sense

Anan deef

Brotherman will keep you safe

You wanna fawwkin play?

ME: I dunno DICKHEAD, I wasn't there that day FUCKFACE!

When I realized Opie missed his calling as an actor.

Better acting than Norton

This winter is fucking endless...

And he just did it for a lark to help out a friend. Norton actually thinks he's a professional.

Reminder that no one raises their voice to a Hughes. Also he has to get rid of that Simple Jack haircut.

This scene still gives me goosebumps.

Ya can't get in if ya don't have a blue badge on your pass to be perfectly honest wit ya.

Somewhere out there, a Frenchman terrified of the sea, remembers getting bounced right out of the fawkin ocean

For a non actor, he can act pretty decently.


Joe is a good egg

To be fair, real life body guards look about like him. They're not big and bulky.
