Rewatching The Sopranos. I'd forgotten about this guy and he's possibly the most violent character on the show.

1  2018-10-02 by StuntPeckah


Rossi had a better work ethic and more adult taste in victims.

Say what you wol about his parking garage shenanigans. Our guy knew how to hunker down work

Fake. Anthony never came close to employee of the month at any job he's ever had.

Totally fake. Why would anybody want to rape fat Melfi?

For the goof

I always found her really sexy.

Vizio, niiice.

He'd prefer the sickly jailbait Meadow of season one.

I forget what happened in the show, I’m assuming the rapist realizes Melfi doesn’t have a giant cock and proceeds to get into his chromed out leased dune buggy and drive away?

Daydreaming, sleeping on the job, stealing, and shitting in a bucket is not my idea of a model employee.

Do you think Anthony has a problem with women?

Well, he did bite one.

You mean Vito?

You put as much effort into your graphics as Anthony, Jim, and Sam put into their jobs.

"Cumia? But that's an Italian name."

"It was the coke, I never shoulda started with that shit. In Long Island it's everywhere."

I love the brand loyalty this sub has