Cumtown (((fag))) throws Louie under the bus

1  2018-10-02 by Dirty_Deebs


charge your phone

You are a retard. You and your whole family should be gassed.

My thoughts exactly. What a backstabbing heeb.

"Adam", not "Andrew".

But his last name's Friedman though

Friedman is a relatively common Jewish name you idiot

Oof. Literal Larry over here

Literal Retard over there.

My Jew bashin gettin under ya skin like ur Brendan Fraser or somethin? Let's meet out in the rain tonight coward!

I'm not Jewish, this handle is a goof. My people actually maintained the lists and conducted the trains. But I don't take pride in that like you would, faggot.

227 East 56th Street, be there at 5'clock. I'm gonna tear your ass up.

You're people are IBM?

I don't like you, but I like that line.

Finally he scores one

And it’s Friedland anyway. I believe OP is being a jokester.


You're right in spirit.

"Longtime comedy fan"

Ya. Right.