Cackle Cackle Cackle "MoviePass" Cackle Cackle Cackle

1  2018-10-02 by 867-5309-



Sirius does not and cannot truly give a shit about what a show is. They have to have something in the slot. The fact that they are willing to have a show with Jim Norton and Sam Roberts on at all, let alone as a morning show, is just a joke. Anyone who pays for the service, even those who only listen to Howard, should revolt.

One of the companies that pay me too much for what they get, don't check up on it ever. It's astounding. They've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars without checking ever. But I'm unsure about how that contract extension will go. They've gotten good quality out of it, regardless of no meddling. So I guess that it works. Just could have worked so much better if they put in some effort. I think SXM operate similarly. The cost of that show is pretty low anyway. So I don't think they really care. O&A cost maybe 8-10 times more.

Luiz Gomez, Tim Dillon, and Nick Mullen pitched a show to SiriusXM. I think they declined.

They're insane, then. How could you not want to air that instead of Worm and Damascus Goat in the Morning?

Because Luis, for all his flaws, is actually demanding and savvy in negotiations and Nick is a public relations worst nightmare.

I also heard rumours that Tim Dillon might be gay.

I heard that rumor too. But the jury is still out...

If anything, that should help you get hired in the media these days. An autistic, a Puerto Rican, and a gay, you would think would be a slam dunk of a hire for an "uncensored" media Corporation.

Sam has been taunting documentaries and what he did on the weekend . He’s not gonna nite and puss out. I thought the pat Duffy interview might aggravate him but the sociopath fuck has grew with more condescending bullshit.

It’s funny how Sam had so much to say about Jim’s Documentary that he kept interrupting Jim talking about it so he could go on about it himself. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up. But now that he’s in the barrel he’s surprisingly quiet about it.


I don’t know about anyone else but I never received a reply from Sirius about my request for them to take Sam off of the air.

Knowing what a suck ass Sam is, I can almost guarantee that he probably Charms the bosses and convinced them that he’s a great employee.

If you believe what Sam says, Greenstein loves him.

Which I actually do. A young guy who is will to slash throats and work for very little money, is right up (((their))) alley.

Ethnoreligious nepotism rears its ugly, nigger-haired head again. Sad.

Those "White" people stick together.