After all the bitching about Opie just wanting to sign 2 year deals, Jim and Sam do the same.

1  2018-10-02 by Czar662

Obviously, the Destroyer knew what he was doing.


Don’t forget how they bitched about him dragging out negotiations to the last minute and how it was unfair to keep all the staff in the air not knowing if they were going to have jobs in a few weeks or not.

Or how Jimmy knew Opie signed his contract in July after Ant got fired and bullshit all the people that the show might not exist, and he might not be on air, blah blah blah. He's really motherfucking the audience and the people he works with in the exact same way that he thought was so ENRAGING. Fucking hacky asshole.

Wait he lied about the show's contract not being signed? I can't keep up with all the drama around here

I still think they signed weeks ago and this whole contract bit is just a shot at Opie because of how he did things. They’ll keep signing weekly extensions until they drop the bit. Nobody thinks it’s funny or clever and it just makes them look like (even bigger) idiots.

Exactly. They agreed to what they agreed to last summer. "Contract extensions" is Fugitive and War of the Roses style crap. Its the sort of thing Sambo would get off on, the pro wrestling heel shit and "angles."

Opie didn't just give them fags fish, he taught those fags to fish.

Opie knew if you give a worm a radio contract, he'll buy tokens for a year or 2, but if you teach a worm to make his own radio contract, he'll buy tokens for life(or until he's fired for incompetence).

Jim looked back at the sand and only saw one set of footprints; Opie said "that was when I was carrying you."

Norton caught a big norvegian tuna with his wormy butthole

...and also AIDS


I love this fake Opie love..but really can't wait til he moves in with his mom...every year jim and sam get renewed is another year his mental illness progresses.. "why me" ..

with every pay cut they take.

How dumb do you have to be to think the Opie love is fake?

Jim really being smart here. He knows within 2 years Chip Chipperson will be the biggest thing in America, and slowly opening up to the Chinese markets. Sirius will have to throw Stern money at him.

They should of accepted whatever money they offered, and begged for a 10 year contract. 10 Christmas seasons picking up a paycheck in New York City.

Fuck....I didn't think about the Chinese markets.

Those little yellow bastards love prop comedy and baby noises.

They scare me.

Chinc Chinckerson is gonna be huge.

tss, tss, we’ll be hungry again in an hour or something, right guys? I don’t know (early chip)

They don't do baby noises over there in the Far East

Noo! You must never blake foulth warr!

I despise them.

well, now they probably don't have much choice or leverage to sign longer contracts, but back then they kind of did, they had a massive audience and a well known brand.

I think Opie's refusal to sign longer had to do with the Sex For Sam firing. Had they signed a 2 year deal instead they could have been back on the air in 2003 and maybe salvaged some of their momentum. I think that was his thought process.

They learned from the best

let's not ignore the fact that Jim and Sam are also really gay

Anthony & Jim sat passively while Opie handled everything for them & then they cried about it

Correction they waited 2yrs after the show was fawkin dead to cry about it.

No matter how objectively difficult Opie was those two are little bitches for not confronting him in any way that mattered and only saying shit after its all over. Little introverted faggots.

Sirius XM deserves to go bankrupt if this is the kind of drivel they supply their paying customers with.

It's really great when they have to finally wear big boy pants and fail miserably at it.

They won't offer Jim & Sam more than a 2 year contract. They would jump at the chance at a 5 year deal.

I listened to the majority of the first two years of their show. I didn't listen when they had certain guests on that I don't like to listen to (Gene Simmons, Whoo Kid or however you spell it). I took two and three week breaks from the show a few times. But I'm really done with it now. I listen to Sternthology on 101 and Bennington now. I never have to hear Troy and Jim and Sam pretend to know what they're talking about again.

I love Bennington!

you act like they had an option

My understanding is that Opie and Anthony had pptions for either lucrative 2 year contracts, or decent 5 year contracts. Ant wanted 5 years because he could see the industry was changing and wanted to lock in their jobs, while Opie wanted the quick money on the 2 year contract assuming they could negotiate for an even big salary in another 2 years (Ant rightfully predicting salaries would shrink in that time).

Jim and Sam would have been offeres either 2 years, or the door. Its not entirley the same situation.

These two low six figure losers aren't even the biggest show on the channel anymore and they're every bit the divas O and A ever were when they were signing multimillion dollar syndication deals and hosting one the biggest radio shows in the country. Given half an opportunity they'd do every last fucking thing they criticized Opie for. Fuck both those hypocritical cunts.