If Everyone Hated Sam, Who Was The Prick That Kept Him Around

1  2018-10-01 by FuhWyPeepo

What kept him around if he was so despised and troublesome?



What are you getting at, friend?

Some fuckface kept an annoying and shrill voice on radio. Pat said everyone felt like hitting him at times. Who liked him that much and had the sway to keep him on air?

Sam Weaselton kept himself on air by burying those around him.

opie. stop beating around the bush and end this opie ballwashing. he created sam.

Don't blaspheme in the Church Brotherman

die of bone marrow cancer, faggot

Nice try with the hate though.

If I had to guess, once the staff knew that Opie liked Sam, they felt like they could not publicly say anything bad about him as he was the golden boy. We have all been in work situations like this.

(((they))) did

This is always a safe answer.

Gregg liked the boy.

Team Opester, remember?

Til he stabbed him in the fawkin' back, that is.

I ask this sub not to forget the failure of Gregg to protect himself and the listeners from such a faggot.

All this spineless fucking utterly shameful Opie love lately is thoroughly disgusting in light of the fact that Sam only exists because of faggot faced Opie and his protection, thus: Opie Jr. Roberts.

Easily Opies greatest bit ever. The man truly is a genius.

die cunt

Exactly make your horse the king after you die.

Opie did. Probably in a plan to eventually replace Anthony since their relationship was crumbling and Sam was a kiss ass. Like that idea Opie continually brought up about splitting the show. Too bad Sam waited long enough for the perfect opportunity to stab him in the back and take his spot.

Does anyone else remember how protective Opie was over Sam and how Opie would sometimes get pushed if anyone messed with Sam and say shit like “Leave him alone” and then make some excuse for why Sam doesn’t deserve to be bashed?

All the better that fuck head Opie was betrayed by the slimy little rat boy faggot. He deserves the stab in the back for exposing that rotten mutt to the radio world.

I couldn’t agree more. Opie created a monster.

Opie and Sirius execs liked him.

ant and jimmy were more than happy to go along with Sam because he was a kiss ass and they are betas.

Ant and Jim never had any issue with Sam either tho. None of the hosts wanted him out. He is still friends with ant and Jim . Opie definitely liked him the most but all those guys kept him around .