Here is my reason for hating Sam Roberts

1  2018-10-01 by djexpat

One episode, when they got back from Montreal, Sam was telling a story about the internet going out at his house. Jess asks if Sam would call the internet company, and Sam said “of course I’m not going to do that, I’m busy.....but eventually Jess did the right thing and called to get the internet fixed”

Then, 2 seconds later Sam goes: “the best part of this trip was having the day off in the hotel room where I just got to lay in bed and do nothing but watch YouTube videos”

So let’s break this down......while Jess is at home raising sams mongloid child, the internet goes out. Sam has the day off in a hotel, yet is such a spoiled chicken nugget fuckface that he won’t even call to help his wife get the internet fixed. He is such a fucking spoiled mommas boy prick who needs to lose everything. Hopefully then he’ll hang himself with a knock off wrestling belt. Fuck him. I hope his wife cheats on him.


She undoubtedly does

That's a pretty good reason

Fuck her. I agree with fucking Sam on this one. Why should he call the internet provider? Why would she call him in another country to call them? Why shouldn't he have a day off?

They are both pieces of shit - unless Jess is very naive or psychologically damaged.

unless she is psychologically damaged, sir? This woman had a child with a man with a hairline worse than a clown wig who can't stomach whole unprocessed nutritious foods.

when you are a husband and a father, you want to be present when anyone comes over to work in the house. In fact, you usually send your wife and kids out for the day while the repairman is there. So as a man you make the phone call so that you can schedule the appointment to occur when you’re available at home. And I get it that women are liberated and take care of that shit independently when they don’t have a man. But when you’re married fuck that women’s lib shit, it’s your responsibility as a man to take care of that shit for her because you know how wicked all men are. So you man up and accept the chore so that your wife and kids don’t potentially get exposed to a mad man like the kidnapper who took Elizabeth Smart.

You're a good man doing right by your family.

I'm going to steal "chicken nugget fuckface" at some point. Shits gold.

She'll be done with him entirely when he offers her nothing monetarily. Eventually she'll grow sick of having a loser who thinks of her as a guy friend rather than a wife he covets.

That’s honestly nothing compared to him telling everyone about his fucking honeymoon. It’s sincerely sickening.