Loyal ❌ Good person ❌ Man of his word ❌ Ugly ✅ Faggot ✅ Treacherous, backstabbing scumbag ✅

1  2018-10-01 by McGowan9


nigger hair

If you look at just the top half he looks like that trans-nigger woman who runs the NAACP

Treacherous, backstabbing scumbag

I'm really annoyed at myself for not feeling like that Oct'16, even though I took him for a sociopath before Opie's fall. I wanted to give J&S a shot and like it.

I've got a lot of growing up to do.

The first step towards personal growth is realising change is both necessary and possible. I love you and Jesus loves you too.

Paul Joseph Twatson.

Hormone enhanced midget

Sam wishes he had Dolezals wigger hair

He looks like Andrea Constand.

His eyebrows annoy the fuck out of me. What a snarky, whinny voiced, merkin headed twat.

He looks pretty in this pic.

He "earned" the morning show and then proved he didn't have the chops to carry it. Jim & Sam is worse than any Jocktober show because at least those shows got there on their own merit. Jim & Sam were given a show by Sirius based on Opie's accomplishments and success. Sam hates it, but it's true. That's why their show sucks because it's not even a real show... It's an assignment from Greenstein an experiment that is failing terribly.

I hope he reads this and it plays over, verbatim, in his head every night for the rest of his life.

That’s Karl pilkington

"I know where you got that shirt, and it wasn't no men's department. Looks like something that a figure skater would wear"

Are those pearls photoshopped?? Wtf man, I can’t stand this picture. You know this is the picture Sam thinks he looks like most of the time, and it’s still fucking horrendous.

And he tries to pretend to to be down and connect with black/rap culture. He wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a ghetto neighborhood. I wouldn’t feel bad if he was car jacked and robbed.

Always hated this little prick and thought he would be arrested at Jim Nortons favorite rest area in NJ.