'Pontificating Bobby' with his cigarette might be the best thing ever

1  2018-10-01 by aPersonStranded


Overloaded commode.

Overbloated chode.

Overflowing with folds.

Overloaded aortic valve

Bobby is lightyears ahead of the worm in terms of acting, the worm would’ve been fidgeting like hell

Bobby actually practised his acting by watching Jimmy's interview of Dylan McDermott.

Switching back between bug eyes and the serious squinty face with hands moving incessantly

Yep, he's even a better baldy than the worm.

Perfectly budda-like.

Also, I'd rather get fucked by Bobby than ( yuck, the very idea ) Morton.

Can you imagine if they told Norton he might have to light up a Marlboro for a role!

What is this Seinfeld..?

The only funny thing in 'Maron' was Rick Shapiro

"H-h-hey th-th-that's a beautiful hatchback man"

I like how he just walks into frame with a tire, and it ends. I'd like to think thats how the scene actually ends.

Please use your hands more

I hate how these Jews all try to write like woody Allen (who fucking sucks as well btw)

Nice screen presence, stupid.

Seriously, I love to watch him on screen and he's also stupid.

Wow Marc maron was never meant to be famous

Maron's a neurotic Jew but he can act

Oh yeah with the lock the gates and whatnot

one of my favorite fat bob kelly slam's is bob kelly calling rich vos out for saying the only way bob gets scene's is when he gets on a scale. and then bobby goes i was off broadway in boston, stupid. and vos says you are broadway in boston.

No disrespect to Bobby because he really is a good actor but he nailed this part because that's really who he would be if he wasn't a comic.

It’s very weird that Bobby and DiPaolo are the only good actors among all of them.

He's an ok actor.....but when compared to the worm he's Oscar caliber

Wow he’s dangerously obese.

He's even bigger now.

He gets worse every time I see him. He used to drone on and on every week on his podcast about how he's "finally losing the weight for Max, duuuuuude, for good this time", "no sugar, no grains, duuuude", "Bobby Kelly is *clap clap* looosing weight" ...this is the closest he's been to that ever-impending heart attack. Poor fat fuck.

Kelly stinks. Stop posting crap of his

Not to sound like a faggot but I think hes a decent actor.

As a jew we never had Cops in our family, we never had construction workers

actual quote from Marc Maron. It was either WTF or some guest spot form years ago. You can sense the condescension, even while 'acting', that he has for working people in this clip, and he absolutely associates this superiority with his ethnic and tribal background

Funfact: Bobby didn't actually take this role for the money or experience. He took it on the idea that he could drink a soda and claim it was for his job.


....there’s no jokes!!!...