After listening to Duffy it seems the only way to reconcile Sam's treatment of both Pat and TC over the years is to do a proper Jocktobering of Bobbie Roberts

1  2018-10-01 by Bluesmoky

Fight Sam's faggotry with an even rarer form autistic faggotry only found on this sub


Or better yet, to burn him at a stake.

How can you jocktober someone with no radio show or Facebook page?

Nice trying to create boundaries for a bit designed to make fun of people we hate on radio, stupid

Too wordy.

Should be a live jawn, like AGDQ, and we raise money for Bullying Foundations and/or Little People Support groups.

Subreddit would be beloved within 24 hours of such thing, making the Cumio bros and others attacks crazy and negative.

Too wordy.