This place actually liked the Chip podacast

1  2018-10-01 by Dennyislife

I never did. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing.


I still like it.

In the most recent episode I watched, 2 girls captured Ant like a Japanese island rat in 1944 and grilled his ass about the age of girls he dates and his own age. A different person mentioned having to face Reddit and Nana became ashy and sodden in the undergarments.

The fact that you haven't posted a timestamped link to said interactions is why you'll never make it in this town.

I don't go out of my way to please the haters, brothaman.

Get the fucking link.

I did till it just got played out and boring, a little after the jess broad left

Who, Chins mcgillicuddy?

I liked it for about a month or two.. It's just the same shit over and over again.

I used to like it but it got old really quick. Too much of the same thing over and over again.

the only good episodes are the ones with people who dont know who Chip is, the cringe is great, most are unwatchable shit though.

I never liked it either. Anti-humor is the hackiest shit ever, it never crosses the line of mildly, not really, almost funny. The bottom line is Jim is not a talented person, genuinely, you look at his stand up and it sucks, his acting is actually funny, Anthony was not even a comedian and was way funnier than Jim on the radio, he would get outclassed by any medium tier comedian that went on the show.

I never did either.

That Chip cartoon monstrosity even made me retroactively hate whenever he uses the character on old O&A bits.

I never did either. Fucking headcase faggot thought he was going places with his "characters"............ YUCK!

I liatened maybe twice as a third rotation on my iPod at work. Even before listening I knew an hour of Chip was gonna kill the character let alone 60 episodes or whatever he's at.

This place liked OnA...