"When Marconi invented radio​ he didn't want Sam Roberts on it." Pat Duffy

1  2018-10-01 by nomobjustice

Line of the fucking year.


He's already made me laugh more than Jim and Sam.

ISIS makes me laugh more than Jim and Sam.

Tesla invented radio.

Lmao what's he gonna take credit for next? Electricity??

Nothing like those DC power outlets in your home that require a battery station every mile... Thank god for Edison's genius.

Antonio Meucci invented it, amd he got robbed!


Nope. It was Tesla.

No he didnt u buffoon


You got that wrong too, stupid. I'm a mick.

ah the Irish Jew

If you keep tying you'll eventually get it.

Pretty sure all they did was shitty hair metal, and they did not invent that crap.

hoo hoo

Line of the century

Hard to respect him funny line or not. No job is worth taking the shit he did particularly from Sam.

"Be careful, I'm a level 80 atheist but still smart enough to know he was wrong about the Iraq war, you certainly don't want to try engaging with me on the internet"

Already provided us with more laughs than that fraggle haired twat ever has.

Holy shit. This guy is good.

Pat's a faggot though, but that line is funny.