Adam Walsh

26  2018-09-30 by yamuddahscuntthen

I had a physical reaction when I heard Sam call John by his molested and murdered son’s name. I made a guttural cringe sound and slammed my laptop shut. Wouldn’t Johns “1sheet” say his name, how did he make that mistake? What kind of dope would do that?


Assuming it was a mistake is being quite charitable to sam

What kind of dope would do that?

A weaselly dope who spends more time making fun of a murdered child than knowing who his more famous father is.

I think it slipped because he is a heartless piece of shit. Somewhere in his head it amused him that man lost his son. A telling slip of the tongue.

Well, wait, similarly, I'm amused that Kuhn lost his son. Am I a heartless piece of shit, too? Or do I have to call Chris "Qadan" to his face, first?

Probably I'm a heartless piece of shit for lots of other reasons.

You’re not wrong, but also he probably doesn’t know John well being the sheltered fag he is, so reading johns Wikipedia page right befor the interview, he read about the son and Sam is just too stupid not to make a mistake

Maybe he thought he was being "edgy" and intentionally going for shock value.

That’s surely what it was.

Is there a doubt that this was it? I just assumed that's what he was doing.

My favorite part of that is his attempt to make good on it by saying John multiple times throughout the interview.

John Walsh will forever absolutely fucking hate Sam for that. And deservedly so.

John Walsh thinks sex offenders should have anal eggs that explode when they get near children.

I don’t disagree.

That's a good idea!

Fuckin' a right it is

It’s Tourette’s.

Nigfa tried being an Opie and edgy

Thoroughly ugly person