Sam Roberts Documentary makes it to r/SquaredCircle

112  2018-09-30 by KingGeorgeIVE


Sam may be ruined in the WWE if this is how their fans respond.

"You do nothing but post in a sub for adults in costumes to fake fight each other. I post in a sub dedicated to a dead radio show People are most certainly dumb."

I love the faggot reddit detectives in the comments being so protective of their gay sex community

I checked this guy's post history, IGNORE. 🚧🚨🚫

I got banned for that one

“Hit piece!”—the refrain of the retard.

"One sided" is just as bad

Their facts and timelines are all wrong. But I don't have the energy or give a shit to go and correct them.

The comments are beautiful. They're turning on him. Great to see.

WWE needs to dump that piece of garbage.

Sam needs to be homeless to gain that insight.

Turning on him? Squaredcircle hated Sam Roberts beforehand anyway.

Drifted here from squaredcircle, can confirm that Sam Roberts is pretty much universally disliked among WWE fans. I knew very little of him before this doc, to be honest I thought it was a doc he made and wanted to know his story but turns out he didn't make it. All I can say is what a piece of shit.

Removed for brigading. Nice job...

If this subreddit gets deleted it will be because of stuff like this I think

The other docs you made were good. This one is really gay though. Sorry, man. I'm not trying to be a dick like usual. It's just really gay though. Do better next time.

It's sad that someone that acts in such a manner would be employed by the WWE. I finally thought they have cleaned up their act so families can enjoy sports entertainment.

MeanGeneSimmons1 this is actually well done

He is profoundly hideous.

rumblemania Well that was dark

Wow! I used to like Sam. He was great on Wrestlemania. But hes disgusting. I didnt know he was such a piece of garbage. I hope the WWE takes this warning. We don’t need people like him in our community.

Stop being a pest and trying to get people fired. Get over it O&A are dead, grow up

O&A are dead

I wish

If someone can sit through 3 hours of today's Raw, they can probably tolerate Sam.

How great would it be if this sub helped get Sam blackballed from The WWE? I have faith in this sub!

By "makes it to r/squaredcircle", do you mean someone from here posted in there thinking people outside of this sub care about any of this, and then it was promptly ignored?

Your movie sucked balls. Happy to hate tendy boy, but this movie sucks donkey dicks. You should consider suicide this is such a terrible failure.