How will Sam handle Doc on Monday's show?

37  2018-09-30 by drconn

I can't see Sam addressing Porsalin's documentary on Monday. I do see everyone else silently giving each other the "oof, holy shit" face when they first make eye contact with one another on Monday morning. That place is going to be uncomfortable, and everyone will be walking on SamShells, out of fear of upsetting the new Opie who also has an added bonus of also being a psychopath.


What show?

Come on, you are not at least a bit interested in hearing how a person that just had their entire public persona nuked by a documentary might act on the first day back at work?

You missed it Bobby, you big fat pig.

dont care, I'll never hear it

Only time I listen is when sam loses his wwe gig for being a bully

I hope he hangs himself tomorrow using a bowflex as a tribute to Chris Benoit (with no harm done to Jess & her juicy kike beefers)

Killing yourself with gym equipment is the most alpha way to go out, he's never going to be doing that workout again heeeeyooO!

I need an animated depiction of this act.

Hopefully there is no show

Honestly I'm thinking he's written down an autistic checklist of inconsistencies in the documentary and practiced presenting it to himself in the mirror.

so anyone seen the documentary on me? Hyehyhehehyeehyhhe
why would someone thats not even in the same country make an hour documentary on me, right? Its like... Get a life dont you have tea to drink? Hyhehyhheehyhshehhehyhshe

Ugh that laugh

Yes, and also talking to the spineless James Norton about how they will present. And Jim will just sit there is minimize everything.

He won't even look up from his phone.

No question

He is going to force chuckles about how funny the various physical deformity jibes were, he will mention that danny ross is in a mental home, then he will focus squarely on the steve c suicide, and how their relationship waa actually one of picnics in the park and pajama parties.

That will probably be the rhythm of his denial

  1. He’s going to paint pat and I as jaded interns who are just jealous of his success.
  2. He’s going to down play any of the Steve shit. 3.Like Opie will chalk everything up to the Harry Haters.
  3. Where ever Danny may be, nothing he said in the doc was wrong. All the producers occasionally fucked around with the interns. Most of it was harmless bullshit, Sam was and is just plain evil, especially when it came to interns.
  4. People with hyper inflated egos, seeing any form of criticism will just be blocked out or dismissed.
  1. He’s going to paint pat and I as jaded interns who are just jealous of his success.
  2. He’s going to down play any of the Steve shit. 3.Like Opie will chalk everything up to the Harry Haters.
  3. Where ever Danny may be, nothing he said in the doc was wrong. All the producers occasionally fucked around with the interns. Most of it was harmless bullshit, Sam was and is just plain evil, especially when it came to interns.
  4. People with hyper inflated egos, seeing any form of criticism will just be blocked out or dismissed.

He’s going to downplay the Steve C stuff and paint pat and I as jaded former interns who are jealous of his success.

The worst thing he did in the documentary was the fucking over either you or duffy out of the free burger meal and the esd wedding invite. Everything else (pretty much) can be justified as creating content, if nothing else. The free food and night outs for struggling interns for no reason apart from a vindictive desire to hurt potential threats and fuck them out of networking opportunities. Thats just awful.

As far creating content goes, humiliating the unpaid staff is low hanging fruit and has been his crutch for over a decade. It goes to show how unoriginal and lack of creativity on his part. He’s 34/35 years old and he’s still shitting on interns.

It was much deeper than that, he gets off on humiliating other people on and off the mic. He knew he could do it because he was a producer and we were just interns. He would use Kenny, Po or anyone who was security to hide behind because he knew that he had gone too far, and even after hiding behind them he’d still push.

Im not saying that humiliation of people represents the zenith of human wit, but it certainly was a huge part of the Opie and Anthony show. The human drama of it all was the most compelling part, like there are erock beatings ive listened to 20 times or more.

As far as I know Opie and Erik haven’t spoke to each other since them being let go, which is something Erik mentioned on his appearance on TACS a few months ago. If I had to take a guess on why they haven’t had him back, I’d say it was probably a combination of things. ( I’m just speculating) 1. There was probably some mandate from the company that Erik is persona non grata. 2. Sam and Jim have no use for him. Why would Erik subjugate himself to abuse when he’s not getting paid for it? Also I think they’ve tried to play both sides of the fence; they want to retain much of what they can of the Opie and Anthony audience while trying to be as different a show as possible. Danny was right in saying “what is the Jim and Sam audience ?” 3. I don’t have much insight into Sam and Erik’s relationship, outside Erik being a really nice guy and Sam viewing him as a soft target. I’m sure Sam resented Erik making more money than him and grounds for why Sam threw Erik under the bus any opportunity he could.

Did you sign anything that prevents you guys from suing sam/sxm for workplace bullying or harassment?

We signed some kind of waiver, I don’t remember the details of it.

I've always ssaid the jabs about his looks and eating should be taken off the table. They gave him an easy way out to dodge the serious issues with him

Sam is like an Opie that doesn't care about other people's feelings.

So he’s Opie

I am not just casually throwing this label around like many people do, but Sam exhibits all the characteristics of a person who is a diagnosed psychopath. 1 out of every 20 people in the population, with many of these individuals ending up in elevated roles in a company due to their ability to manipulate, deceive, and ruin others careers to advance their own. This tied with many of his own comments about his lack of regard for other people's feelings and admitting to being devoid of emotions outside of the classic anger, vengeful, etc. He is just an awful human being, and I truly feel for that wife of his.

If SXM is stupid enough to re-sign the worthless cunt and there is a show, Sam's comments will completely focus on the inference that he killed Steve C.

I’m sure the show he does with Jess in their kitchen before she goes to work will be good.

He'll act like he's above it, the fans are crazy, and everything in it was wrong...

If Sam doesn't the callers will. Might as well unplug the phones if they still even have a show on October.

Not on SiriusXM.

When has Sam ever had a show?

Wow. I just thought of the I underlings at J&S watching this. They already know they get treated poorly under the guise of it being for the show. Now the resentment will build and it will go downhill quickly.

He will acknowledge the obvious jokes about his appearance and food preferences, he will not acknowledge the serious stuff though, like the Pat and Jared interviews because that stuff is seriously damning, and he will want to make the whole documentary just come off like a joke that he is in on.

Youreally should have a lawyer look it over, im sure a great deal of what sam did was outside the rules