"The Worm Has Turned" Youtube comments...

62  2018-09-30 by theceilinistheroof

Jesus christ these are painful to look at. These naieve little fucks are real salt about this. Here are the picks of the bunch:

"This documentary funded by Greg Hughes" - Nice missing G, stupid.

"They did a show and you liked it, That's it. The endless digging up and archiving of every conceivable way these guys weren't who you thought they were is embarrassing. You're so hurt the show broke up that you have to ruin their reputation, it's all you have left." - Fuckin ew. This awe inspiring douche is named Adam Imberti btw. The replies to this are...cringeworthy.

"Did Opie pay for this 1 sided documentary. So much of this was taken out of context or comic skits not understood by this dult. This should end with Norton dying of some unusual std from the 1800s..love u lil jimmy." - Ok wtf is this...and the commenters name is 519jenkevin. Sick marital account.

"Did Opie pay you to make this?" - Insightful question.

"I genuinely have zero doubt that Opie Hughes funded this. Shame it shows how funny and vital him actually has been to the shows success." - I'm actually confused on this one. Usage of the term "genuine" has me fucked up. I don't think this is real but if it is...fuckin hell.

Anyways, glad I wasted 20 mins on this. Hope y'all cringed at these as hard as I did.


That second quote couldn't be more correct, and yet, shut up, stupid.

Here's whats annoying about it :

  1. This guy thinks it is a breakthrough "aha" moment that he's proud of.
  2. We know all of this...and we don't care. If anything, the sub has only grown off of knowing how pathetically entertaining this shit really is.
  3. This kid's probably done two years of sociology at St Josephs and thinks he can just waltz into the psychology of the doc. No.


Chip fans

People should know when they are conquered

If you're going to call someone stupid, try not to misspell the word, you dult.


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Wait..wait.wait 🤣🤣😂

Sorry sweaty

Porsalins videos are grossly overrated. He's not funny at all and both docs suck. I couldn't even get through either one. I don't know why or how his releases got hyped and praise we got Beige out there putting out fire and for some reason this British piece of shit is getting all the accolades. I don't think a brisish man should ever even be allowed to talk like this and mock an American. Usually I wouldn't put this much effort into talking about a fake documentarian but someone's gotta do it

I believe your opinion is unpopular in these parts, friend

Well at least I know that the passage of time will be my friend. eventually they will be re-examined and these unfunny try hard videos will be panned. Whether it's posalin doing something stupid or everyone coming down from their content highs and coming to their senses I know that the climate will change

You Sir, are a queer.

You really are just spare parts, aren't ya, bud.

Make your own doc dude.

The Matarese doc was actually good because of the absurdity of it. The least interesting man and worst comedian ever just had a long add doc made about him. That's funny

Suck some more peckahs why don't Cha...

I don't think a British man should ever even be allowed to talk like this and mock an American.

I don't think a Tool fan who watches wrestling should ever be allowed to comment on what goes on in high society.

High society huh? High society like the U.K? Or general high society like the elegant and sophisticated parking lot pimping that you engage in? And what's wrong with TOOL? I wouldn't exactly consider them a make fun of band. I do enjoy My Chemical Romance, and a lot of Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit though if you need some better fodder. Either that or stick to wrestling but let's leave TOOL out of this

I do enjoy My Chemical Romance, and a lot of Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit though if you need some better fodder.

Goddamn you're gay.

Yeah dude totally

Glad we agree on something.

Yeah some music just isn't cool and is gay

I do enjoy My Chemical Romance, and a lot of Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit though if you need some better fodder.

You shouldn't be criticizing anyone, British or American.

you're a martyr for the truth, they really are overrated shitty best ofs

While I don't agree with your comment, Maynard is a beast...

When Episode 1 came out there were tons of Star Wars fans who convinced themselves that they liked it. Most of the comments online from SW fans were positive. Over time that slowly changed. Some of them realized after a few months that it sucked but for others it took till Episode 3 to admit the Prequels were garbage.

When people are over invested in something where their identity is wrapped up in their fandom it can be a long hard fall.

There's a good explanation for this.

Youtube folk are behind the current O&A abuse timeline by 6 months to a year. It took them a very long time to catch on to Opie hate. Now they are finally coming around to Anthony hate. Norton stuff is pretty recent. He was even praised here as recently as April before the tide turned.

Give them time. These dummies are still digesting the Ant stuff.

can confirm. I used to enjoy listening to Jim and Sam as recently as 6 months ago. It wasn't until I started noticing how much discussion there was about FroYo and sneakers and Jim complaining every morning for 40minutes about his Uber driver that I looked up the O&A sub to see if everyone was as disgusted with the content now compared to the O&A glory days. I was relieved enough to find out I wasn't the only one, and it wasn't until then that I'd slowly understand some of the memes and read about Anthony's DV issues and the "where's my gun" video etc. These documentaries were actually great for me to put the pieces together and understand the chronology etc. I can see how anyone who listens to them but doesn't browse this sub could easily miss a lot of the damning evidence against Nana, the worm and the sub saharan garfunkel

as recently as 6 months ago

Good Lord, you are a little bambino.

Glad you came around although how you ever liked that tripe turd of a show is beyond me.

Yeah but do you have pics?

Can confirm. I found this place a little over a year ago and only recently do I feel like I've caught up on all my homework.

What do you do a living character?

I suck dick and dick accessories

Wow. You just explained the 5 stages of being a fan of this demented circle in a very succinct way.

  1. Took me a few months of listening to realize Opie was a piece of shit.

  2. Anthony & Jim seem to be the talented, funny ones

  3. Jim's rage over how his breakfast is served & getting celebrated autographs is almost as weird as Anthony "joking" about lusting for 14yo girls & obsessing about black crime --- When u look at how HURT they were when 19yo Intern Dana stated they were both old & gross.....these two might be disingenuous pieces of shit.

  4. See arrests, twitter, Indiegogo, shows from 2015 thru 2018 to reinforce #3

  5. Opie Hughes - the only one whose main concern is entertaining his fans.

sorry to burst your bubble but the youtube crowd will never like opie, wait 10 years if you want. the reason is because they still listen to old o&a. if you listen to old o&a youre hearing tits speak, and hearing tits speak makes you want to murder him. they dont give a shit what the 3 are doing now, all three are finished. j&s stinks, compound media stinks, and id rather be burned alive than listen to brotherman. ps, opie is still horrendous.

What opie bit? Hes a stable humble guy with an ironic viewpoint of life, we love him here. He’s been through enough

hes a dog kicking, cake stomping, steve c killing, insecure, scorch hating, pathologically lying, humorless, jealous, backstabbing, hyperdefensive pile of cum coated cow shit. but keep going with the bit, its fawkin hilarious.

Stop living in 90’s you dunderhead

ok ill update it to modern opie. he filmed new york talking to himself and harassing mentally disabled people for FAWKIN SHOCK VALUE BROTHER. fawkin wease taught me dat. he lied for 8 months straight, from him having a deal with twitch, to him getting a tesla if he signs a deal, to now with him talking into a tin can to a chef and a meat salesman he had to pay $750 each for. and, more importantly, hes antihumor. hes honestly the least funny person ive ever heard.

Tell us how you really feel

with the exception of porsalin, this subs gone to shit with this garbage opie bit.

It’s wearing a bit thin, but they’ll turn on him soon enough.

dont doubt the power of autism. these fucking idiots will ride the bit into the ground. a year from now, a thread titled "opie was funnier than colin" will be the most upvoted post in this subs history. its too late. this subs finished, the cancer has taken full control.

Hey u/porsalin did opie pay you to make this documentary?

I got banned by some faggot for criticizing the worm

I got banned by some faggot for criticizing the worm


The one on "The Demented World" ones are worse. For every "did Opie make this" you get an "Are you triggered you cucked soy boy snowflake?" and "Ant is doing great now, he has his own show and lives in a mansion."

Shut up, dunderhead