I think if we learned anything from this whole situation...

94  2018-09-30 by Single_Action_Army

It's that you can provide hours of free staged phonecalls, impressions, and highly researched documentaries, but this place will completely turn on you if you're a day late with it.



I take back my previous skepticism. The documentary not only lived up to the hype, but actually surpassed it by my estimation.

Just don't announce a release date unless you already have it in production next time, Spielberg.


It's a very difficult situation...

also we learned Porsalin says sub-SEE-quently which is just wrong

There were 5000 words. I was bound to fuck up.

Beige never fucks up words - other than common ones, the man mumbles, fuck you...

Dont downvote the guy, I'm clearly the asshole in this exchange - Also I'm Canadian

I’ve never been happier to downvote.

I have respect for America at least something is happening. Be it their usual random shootings or crying over political issues most non savage countries solved decades ago. What’s Canada doing? Fuck all.

Have a war or something spice it up.

Also we aren't brigaders, never were, this was factually wrong

This nigga drunk

Whomst of us can honestly say we didn't spend the day at an all day breakfast place calling our ex girlfriend repeatedly drinking tuborgs... such is life...

I can.

...fair enough

I actually messaged my brother to say "there is a video out there saying what I did was brigading" I know its not a big deal to you, but it is to me

not sure if anyone mentioned this, but I think you were late

"Oh I believe that can is made of a.lu.MI.ni.um"

"You could cut yourself on it, and wind up in hospital."

Also, Samos would be the genus name and roberticus would be the species name.

That really is wrong, I'm English and it was like nails on a chalkboard.

Also, Pat Duffy is kind of a fag. How do you let Sam fucking Roberts Chad you so hard.

It could of taken 11 years for all I care. Just dont give a deadline you cant make. Although I understand it wasn't his intention or his fault due to the copyright shit, but when you're dealing with a platform as dogshit as YouTube, you need to be expecting that.

Personally, I dont know what he's doing. I'd put it up on my own website and run advertising on that shit. Doesn't he have a patreon? Part with like 20 dollars you cheapo.

Excuse me sir are you saying the "people" that frequent this place are a bit unreasonable?

Keep your head on a swivel lambchops

Not that he was a day late, the guy kept teasing the shit about it over and over and failed to deliver. People called in sick to their Panera Bread jobs to watch this shit you know

Beige never fucks up words - other than common ones, the man mumbles, fuck you...

Also we aren't brigaders, never were, this was factually wrong

I actually messaged my brother to say "there is a video out there saying what I did was brigading" I know its not a big deal to you, but it is to me

not sure if anyone mentioned this, but I think you were late

This nigga drunk

"Oh I believe that can is made of a.lu.MI.ni.um"

Also, Samos would be the genus name and roberticus would be the species name.