A hall of famer of ugly nana photos

67  2018-09-30 by JohnSahogsAIDS


He's even uglier on the inside though

Well said, friend.

This is what his corpse will look like.

His corpse will be a dry, deflated, leathery affair. I heard from very reliable sources that Jack Link is sponsoring his smoking.

But the upvotes to the post will be a lot higher

It already looks like that. The alcohol is just preserving it.

Lookin' like the eagle from the muppets.


"i vant to suck your cock!"

Moammar Khadafi arrives at the UN

Showed this pic to my EX, while she was eating......

I was a bad Boyfriend

‘She’ .... stop lying to yourself faggot


Fucking faggot.

he looks like Tony Curtis if he were riddled with disease

He looks like the Angelo Bruno murder scene

Can’t tell if this photoshopped or not.

His T-Cell count must be lower than Compound Media's subscriber numbers.

I'm not even trying to be funny, he legitimately looks like a corpse right after embalming, and before the makeup is applied.

There's way worse

The bird wax museum is melting

Man he looks a perfect fit for the old detective series I'm making.

Well, he might be available on account of not having a successful career.

The tyson photo is my all time fave.

His face is like Shoah... horrifying.