A plea to Porsalin for his next Opie doc

0  2018-09-29 by egates09

Whatever you do, please don't let the ironic Opie love as of late taint the tone of the documentary. There are thousands of moments of narcissism, thin skin, and mental retardation over the years. He is the worst out of all of them, hands down.

They're all awful people deep down, but Opie is still an unfunniest faggot of all time


This ain't it brotherman

I don't know if there'll be an opie doc, at least not for a while.

Doing MDE, OnA Freaks and Pat Melton next

thank you for your service and prompt reply. keep up the great work. this documentary series of yours has legsssssssss

I really think a documentary on jim Jeffries would be the best next thing. He is a mainstream star and your work could help change that.

I think so too. Jim Jefferies said horrid shit on O&A. Patton would be another good one. But Patton would be a little more difficult and you'd have to really dig into his old standup.

Idk if this is a hot take or not, but jim Jeffries is a far bigger more objectionable cunt that Patton. He really deserves to be taken apart first

/u/BeigeFrequency might be looking into this!

Perhaps it should be you guys first collaborative endeavor. Its so important to do it right, and it might have a bit more of a journalistic feel with 2 people involved, rather than something akin to a fan creation.

Also i only just got up and have yet to watch the doco (its paused on my tv as we speak) what was removed? And will you be publishing the directors cut?

I think WWE clips were the main problem

Hey, here’s a way to avoid copyright takedowns. Upload your documentary in private mode so only you the uploaded can see it. Then you can edit it to take out all the automated copyright strikes and then just change it to public when that part is done.

That’s what Adam from YMS does, google it and he can explain it better.

Patton oswalt?

Don't fucking listen to him anyway. This sub has been wrong about Opie and now is experiencing the grand awakening.

Unrelated to this question, but did you actually interview Daniel Ben Dovid for this documentary?

THEE Daniel Ben Dovid?

MY Daniel Ben Dovid!?!?

At some point you could do a Gavin Mcinnes one. That would probably get a lot of views.

Fuck an MDE doc would be incredible

Don't cross the Philly Crew, faggot.

I think an Opie doc would be dull. I genuinely think the Opie hate has leveled out for good for him. A good doc is having a complex villian. Porsalin and Beige are killing it with exposing the underbelly of that show and Opie is just a cornball family man. I wouldn't learn or feel anything new. The Sam doc genuinely made me feel anger and disgust.

yeah i agree that it would be akin to beating a dead horse but i do think you could get by pretty well with showing the rise and fall of a once beloved radio personality. it could detail the human side of opie as well as the retarded faggot side. sort of like a dostoevsky novel character.

what do i know though i just need a container of coffee and i'm good to go

Opie deserves no love from your doc.