While you were all bitching that you had nothing good to watch Lindsay Lohan had a career ending meltdown

8  2018-09-29 by Ant_Sucks


What career ?


Formerly lucrative prostitution.

She has 3 imdb credits for this year. That's two more than Porsalin.

I can't watch this without skipping. What a hateable cunt. I am so angry. Can't wait for the overdose.

Someone wants to climb up the power rankins

Who gives a shit ?!

Gossipy trolls who get a laugh out of other people's self destruction. Wrong sub?

What career? She's a lop sided coke head maniac.

ahaha all the instagram <3 comments, anyone's name comes up there should kill themselves.

Ugh what a mess

This whore fucked the joker. Jesus.

You said it, man.

At least this mentally ill whore hasn't bred kids of her own. Pray she's barren.

this bitch is a national treasure

she knows arabic from all the sheiks who paid to give her the cleveland steamer in dubai