While we're waiting for porsalin's non-SLI piece of shit to render, who are these cunts donating to Reddit? we could have our own server and forum with all this wasted money. or alcohol

9  2018-09-29 by nunyobisnez


People that buy reddit gold should be hunted down and gutted

They are worse than child killers, that is undeniable, but perhaps if gold is being spent here it is keeping the ban wolves from the door

I saw someone bought gold for one of Anthony's last insane rants here and that made me chuckle

I would only do it when I'd get blackout and go on this sub. Which is, a lot.

I don't need a reminder to what a disappointment I am. I have a credit card statement for that.

it doesn't even do anything good, just highlights latest posts and gets you into the faggy VIP sub.

Reddit has do us no harm to be honest

Really open and honest if you will

If stupid faggots didnt buy gold here this sub would have been shut down long ago