Opie's a faggot.

0  2018-09-28 by TangerineReam

Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot. Opie's a faggot.


No u

Nice try with the hate brothaman

Wow, you're crazy. You're crazy man.

You make a strong case. An upvote is your reward.

See how you're being downvoted? Something is wrong on this sub

Thank you for saying what needed to be said

See how you're being downvoted? Something is wrong on this sub

What is this bizzaro world?



he is, and so is everyone ballwashing that coward

See how you're being downvoted? Something is wrong on this sub

its because these mongoloid fucking retards think that if you hate opie it means you love ant/jim. i hate all of them and this #teamopie bit is the worst thing to ever happen to this sub.