Fat Pat refuses to be banned from twitter, has begun tweeting from new account to a pathetic 51 follower echo-chamber. Twitter should know this rule-breaker and President-threatener has returned!

57  2018-09-28 by rikcy12


I got a retweet for my anti-Tomlinson tweet.

Twitter is nothing more than a digital Narcissus' pool.

Well put!

I'm shocked someone took Twitter loss worse than Anthony.

What's the backstory to this, what did he do to earn the hate? He looks like a pouty fruit and from that tweet you posted I can only assume he has a dragon dildo collection but I doubt that's your reason to give a fuck about him.

He wrote some shit about Norm.

Oh, fuck him then.

Not only that but he tried to kidnap Norm's son in a plot 8 years ago that was luckily thwarted by members of this sub's Major Case Squad


This thread will be deleted because at least one mod is faggot.

So fucking true

My nickname in real life is fat Pat so I thought this was about me! He doesn't even look fat either.

Reported the fat pedophile. Hopefully Twitter continues doing the right thing and gets rid of all these very bad people

Can whoever was running his alt accounts report him for impersonation - he would then have to provide evidence it’s actually him.

Checkmate motherfucker!

that reads like a serious threat against the founder of Twitter. reported!

He basically said he wants to hang Jack by a rope. He's a threat to the Twitter community!

He seems like a threat to the safety to the fine people of Twitter. This needs to be reported to all relevant authorities. For the safety of everyone involved.

What a faggot. Why does he insist on acting like he’s some freedom fighter taking on the man?

This guy is tagging MollyJongFast in every tweet hoping ot ride her coattails out of obscurity

Reported this fat assclown

Twitter "ignored the evidence?" Its a shitty social media site, not the Supreme Court.

I look forward to his new shitty account being banned.

Looks like he is trying to get away with a technicality calling the account a 'Self-Parody account for @stealthygeek' https://twitter.com/PatrickSTomlin1

joseph cumia should have said he was "self-parodying" when he had those kids spit in his mouth (note: this post is a parody)

He should just admit defeat. He is acting like this sub is going to let it go. This sub is a perfect storm of hate and autism he should admit defeat and leave the internet forever


I don't enjoy snitching on criminals, but in this case...

It's my civic duty to report this criminal to the authorities.

Think of the kids

“Does not exist”

He did the selfie trick girls do where they hold the phone over their heads to look thinner, but he still looks like a fat doughy faggot. It looks like he has Anthony's hair pubes doctor.

I’m so happy we keep getting under this faggot’s skin.

Once again this retard thinks it's "going around the rules" to report something that he said that broke the rules and got him banned.

This could make a good case study for the "horseshoe theory." He is a typical far left nut bar who CAN NOT live without twitter when we also know how the far right nutbar Anthony Cumia is just as addicted and obsessed. Seems twitter and being politically far from center have something in common.

jesus mods must have taken a day off. I love this shit.

This piece of shit clearly is breaking Twitter's rules and should be banned. PERIOD.