Jim: "We're in contract negotiations, so we want to put on the best show possible."

114  2018-09-28 by MalcolmX_InTheMiddle

Hey baaaaaby boy, how about you put on the best show possible every day? Then you don't have to tap dance the last 2 weeks of a contract.

Keep playing on your phone, right out of a job. Shit dick.


Their best show is worse than a syphilitic dick.

He actually mentioned us the other day, I know we're getting into his head.

What was said.

Nigga... You cant say "he mentioned us" and then not dish out the juicy deets.

he doesn't need to go into detail. Millions of people including 99% of this sub listens religiously

You haven't been here long

Kill yourself. I'd be surprised if 1% of this place listened to that shit more than once a month

Millions of people including 99% of this sub listens to J&S

I cancelled SIRI the day after they fired Anthony.


SIRI: Calling Sue Lightning...

I've heard maybe 10 min of clips in total since they started. And they was all horseshit

I've listened to an hour and a half total of that show. It's fucking horrible.

Three hours of silence would be an improvement over that horseshit.

Exactly, bring back fez!


He was truly a visionary.

Welcome back to the Ron and Bowl of Gravy Show

Take the stick Fez



Is today the last day?

Of the old contract. They signed a new one already.

Despite saying they haven't and "it's not a radio bit"? Shocking.

Baby boy is so naive and enraging at the same time.

This man-child sees his 2 year radio contracts as a morning side-gig where he goes to eat breakfast and take a shit, now the man-with-many-options is panicking..

  1. No clothing talk
  2. No wrestling talk
  3. No MMA nor wrestling guests
  4. No Sam
  5. Bring back Opie, push Jim to 3rd mic, also bring in someone funny who has radio direction and chops
  6. Stop making lists stupid
  7. No porn stars
  8. Jim is not allowed to talk about anything political
  9. If Jim mentions trannys at any point into a discussion with a guest, he gets a tooth pulled
  10. Jim has to address Opie as "Sir"
  1. One single utterance of "Its a tough one man" or anything middle of the road-ish is grounds for termination. Have an opinion or don't, moron.

  2. Louis CK and D.L. Hugley are allowed in at anytime they please and can decide to have Jim wait outside the building while they're in studio.

I god damn love D.L. Even if we don't agree politically, he's damn funny and has good angles. Hell, I'd have him in twice a week if I had anything to say about it.

Any time Jim stays middle of the road, he has to drink a beer.

  1. No "I didn't get to see the whole show/movie/album" talk.

  2. Lock his phone away before the show starts.

  3. BE FUNNY.

Can you ever imagine Ron Bennington saying, "I didn't get to see the whole show/movie/album."?

And especially him saying it and then openly blaming his staff/company?

Yes I can, he says it multiple times a day on Bennington, have you never listened to the show he does with his daughter and the other yes men? When was the last time you listened to Ron and Fez anyway

Back in the day, I assumed that I'd listen to Ronnie B. as long as he decided to extend his career. But that show he does with his daughter was the drizzling shits. Hicks was cool though.

She had a kid and only comes in once or twice a week at the end of the show for 30-45 minutes.


Enjoy it while it lasts. This version of Bennington is as close to R&F as it gets (sans Fez and Dave).

Good lookin out. Smooches.

Gail hasn't been regularly on Bennington in weeks.... So, there's that.

So more WWE wrestlers and MMA fighters?

Even better, Mary Jean...

He'll probably let out a really smelly fart, that'll impress the executives at Sirius.

A NY apartment gonna require alot of gigs.... ALOT of gigs

"I'm tired, my Uber was late, I'm leaving early, after I shit. The craft of comedy isn't what most civilians think it is, lots of hard work and writing goes into it. Otto & Colin did most of my writing and now I'm moving into a more prop act to branch out with my characters when I'm not drinking some Nordic tranny's piss."

I call it the tranny and wwe show god it sucks I listen to msnbc and morning joe for laughs now.