Update: Jim and Sam still haven't signed

3  2018-09-28 by Cumiaisadisgrace

They hope to have it thrashed out over the weekend but unlikely management will indulge that. Wouldn't be surprised if they're just dropped without a signing off show on Monday. Jason Ellis has wanted that time slot for a bigger audience and likely to be used as even a short term fix.


That piece of shit Ellis is still around?

Yep I'm surprised aswell. He's an attention seeking whore, so will jump at the chance.


Fucking cringe at that manchild, worst thing to come out of Australia. Also I'm Australian and more embarrassed by him than Rolf harris.

Don't know who that is but fuck that guy too! Completely off topic but I want to move to Australia and work in a refinery.

Was a popular children's entertainer, later to be found out as sexual predator and served time in prison for it. Australia's answer to Bill Cosby basically. We'll you're a fan of casual violence and racism, you'll love it mate

Who isn't?? Cheers!

On belf of Australia I welcome you aboard brotherman

You sir, are a tru Bruthaman.

I watched Cheers for years and there's no casual violence

Sam Malone was a notorious woman beater.

I met Rolf Harris at our town carnival.. sadly he didn't finger my bum ☹️

I'm sure he wanted too. Just already spent after molesting 5 kids before locking on to you, the body becomes weak no matter how much the soul is willing.

Ribeye or New York Strip???

Tendies PLEASE!!!

Jim and Sam said a month ago if they got a last minute "take it or leave it" offer from the company, they wouldn't sign it. So hopefully they will be true to their word and take all of their personal belongings with them when they leave the premises today.

One thing that is known about Jim and Sam is they are untalented and desperate and definitely would not be true to their word

it's 15:15 (2hrs15 in) & they're talking about what they're doing on the show next week.

They obviously think they're being re-hired.

What they've actually finally decided to prep for the show? Last effort to be re-signed or their wishlist that they should have had more people from porn/wrestling industry on the show.

Remember when Opie signed a contract at 5:59am to send a message? I wonder if Jim and Sam will do the same thing.

Who isn't?? Cheers!

I met Rolf Harris at our town carnival.. sadly he didn't finger my bum ☹️