a blatant attempt to evade a ban. I for one am going to make sure he’s reported

10  2018-09-28 by greygooser


Oh but wait faggot remember that time people you didn't like got banned and you were like 'fuck them Twitter is a private company they can do whatever they like'?

Here’s the tweet where he flaunts his disrespect for the twitter rules


I really don’t know who this faggot is

There has probably been 50 threads about him in the past month.

He is a fucking nobody.... that’s my point

Is this guy acting like an edgy rue breaker because he made a 2nd twitter account?

He must be living a very fulfilling life

Lol why can’t these preteen girls just stay off of Twitter? No one gives a shit what they have to say

The only people who know where the edge is are those who have crossed it