Graham is a REAL 1...

0  2018-09-28 by TangerineReam


Can anyone give me a quick TLDR about this situation? I dont pay attention to politics rly and keep seeing this everywhere. Who is the real scccuuumbaaag in this situation? (I know theyre all scumbags)

Being a homosexual is no cause for shame. Being a lying, two-faced shell of a man IS, Lindsey. SHAME! ring ring! SHAME! ring ring!

The accusers

Whos accusing who of what? (Or what new site/what should i read to learn about it. Or should i not even waste my time?)

The Accuser claimed Cavanaugh grabbed her or something 36 years ago but she doesn't remember the date or the house. The witnesses she said that were there said he didn't do it.

O ok thanks. Thats fuckin BS. If it was SSOO damaging she should probably remember those details.

Who is Kavanough? Is he just a new potential supreme court appointee? What are the effects of this if hes guilty? (Sorry for my annoying ignorance. I dont mind reading about this stuff myself but idk what websites to read. Its all bs anyways)

I tried being nice to you. With that being said swallow something Sharp tonight.

Who is the real scccuuumbaaag in this situation?

Old calendars

Unfortunately; a good part of this is Democrats playing dirty, fingering identity politics in order to arouse and stir up votes for 2018 and 2020. Basically trying to guilt the democrats in this country that didn't come out for Hillary after Bernie was unfairly gipped by the DNC. They're not interested in building a bridge, no no no....but doubling down on their collective tribalistic insanity. As Graham pointed out: They sat on this story until now, and instead of Dr. Ford and others launching an FBI investigation (because GANG RAPE IS A CRIME folks); they're slandering Kavanaugh and bringing him in front of a committee, that they'll then televise and run list-ticles on, right up to the mid-terms. All of this will demand more of a bill from the relationships between men and women (unarguably the most important relationships human beings can have), than just punishing Republicans. The two genders are the ones that are expected to pay that deficit, and they're the ones that will lose in this, no matter what.

On the other hand; there are a lot of documents (emails and the like) that weren't brought forth to the committee, that should've been. Republican reps. are probably holding that back, because the stakes are so fucking high these days, that anything that could tarnish Trumps nominee could fuck the Republicans overall in 2018/2020. But if this nigga really is innocent, and you're really trying to be ethical, then you need to produce the documents to the committee, regardless of outcome. They may try to spin it anyway of course (if there's a lack of anything juicy, that is), but if they buttress Kavanaugh's innocence, then it doesn't matter what they say.

The stakes are too high on this, but the Republicans need to stop acting like fags and take down the insanity that is the new modern Democrat. It was wrong for that judge in 2016 to let that kid off for raping that chick, because of the insanity of the times. But the times ARE insane.


Sorry to disagree, but it's the new Republicans that need to be stopped. They've lost all their core values. They went full identity politics and radical after 2008. Family values don't seem to matter, fiscal responsibility is out the window, religious tolerance is gone. The modern GOP is a full on stooge of the corporate elite and they use the media to feed rubes BS. This is honestly some much needed backbone from the Dems. Obama should have gutted McConnell for the Gorsuch BS.

Yeah it's the Republicans who have gone 'full identity politics'. Jesus dude.

Some chick accused a Supreme court nominee of raping her 30 something years ago with just her say so and no evidence. Throw in the political bias on both sides plis the me too thing and you have yourself a nice shit sandwich.

I can’t stand Republicans complaining about it being unfair after they blocked an unprecedented amount of appointees from Obama. What whiny hypocritical faggots.

The statement from that girl who is represented by a lawyer is something worth looking into, as well. The fact that she has so many clearances/credibility, and she made a factual statement which she agreed to be held accountable for, is something that should be considered.

The first two bitches I didn’t give a shit about though.

Read the actual affidavit. It's vague rubbish. She didn't actually witness him raping anyone nor is she alleging he raped her. He was at a party where she alleges girls were being drugged and 'trains' being ran on them and Kavanaugh was in the vicinity while those trains were being run. She doesn't claim to have witnessed him take part nor does she allege to have witnessed Kavanaugh, technically, doing anything illegal from what I've read -- unless drunk groping and verbal naughtiness 35 years ago are things you can be arrested for. She also constantly went back to these giant rape fests for some reason.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Graham is a faggot. In fact both Senators from SC are queer.

He wanted to say "shit" a couple of times